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Pro-Life Father Targeted by Biden's DOJ Takes Action


Catholic pro-life father Mark Houck, who was targeted by the Biden administration and acquitted of charges against him, filed a lawsuit, along with his wife, against the FBI and DOJ for malicious and retaliatory prosecution, abuse of process, false arrest, and assault.


"These government agents intentionally sought to assault Mr. Houck and deprive him of his Fourth Amendment rights by using excessive force to arrest him on non-violent charges when he had not threatened law enforcement, did not own a gun, and had offered to turn himself into authorities if indicted," the lawsuit, filed by law firm Graves Garrett LLC, read, according to a report from Fox News.

In an interview with CatholicVote, Houck said that he believes his lawsuit will “put an end to the unjust persecutions” by the Biden administration. 

“I think if the DOJ gets hit hard enough and there’s a big enough black eye against them, then they’re going to cease and desist from coming after pro-life people and people of faith,” he said. “The government can’t do this to its people.” 

In the interview, Houck emphasized that no one could “put a price on the long-term damage” his persecution had on his family.  “You cannot put a price on that innocence. The stuff that my wife and I have invested in our children for the last 15 years – in their protection, in their safety, in their innocence by homeschooling them, by protecting them, by teaching them – all of that was taken away in an instant.”


“We don’t know the long-term effects of this. What’s the two-year-old going to say in five years? What’s the four-year-old going to say in ten years? How are they gonna feel around law enforcement?” he added. “There’s no amount that is going to make me feel like there’s accountability.”

According to several reports, Ryan-Marie Houck experienced three miscarriages due to the stress from the event. Doctors have since diagnosed her with infertility.

In January, Townhall reported how Mark Houck was found not guilty of federal charges alleging he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act over an incident outside an abortion clinic in Philadelphia in October 2021. 

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the FACE prohibits violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain or provide reproductive health services.

As Townhall reported, Houck, 48, was accused of shoving a Planned Parenthood abortion escort named Bruce Love in 2021. As a result, Houck was charged with two counts of violating the FACE Act over the alleged “attack of a patient escort.” Reportedly, Houck claimed that the pro-abortion volunteer was verbally harassing his 12-year-old son.


In September, Houck was arrested at his home in front of his wife and children by 30 FBI agents. 

Ryan-Marie, told LifeSiteNews that a SWAT team of 25 to 30 agents in 15 vehicles surrounded their home in Pennsylvania, with rifles at 7 a.m. Though a U.S. district court previously tossed out the case.

“They started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it,” Ryan-Marie said, adding that the rifles were “kind of pointed throughout the house.”

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