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Wonder What Biden Might Say If He Decides to Exit the Race? WaPo Editorial Board Give Us an Idea.

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File

The Washington Post editorial board on Wednesday published a piece imagining President Biden announcing his exit from the presidential race.

In the column, “What if Biden spoke these words?” the board wrote as if it were an address delivered on July 4. 


“The framers were shaped by hardship — they carried out a revolution at the edge of a wild frontier. They knew there are seasons to a life — and seasons of service. They knew, too, that relying on a single individual, a king, might create the illusion of strength but would be at its core fragile,” the board wrote.  

“Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on all this. My season of service is nearing its close. This was a hard truth to face. But it is the natural course of things — as evident as the progression from spring to summer, from fall to winter. This is why I have decided to withdraw from the campaign for president of the United States.”

The piece continues, “A large part of me still wants to stay in the fight. But, at this moment, the nation needs something I cannot provide: a leader with the energy to run a vigorous campaign and then to work for America, at all hours, for the next four years.” 

It ends with a method of choosing another leader:

“The question on American minds when Washington stepped aside was: What now? I owe Americans an answer to that question, too. The Democratic National Committee, senior Democratic leaders and I have agreed on an orderly process to select our next nominee, which will include debates between now and our convention in August. My vice president, Kamala Harris, has graciously and courageously agreed to participate. Though Democratic primary voters cannot be included at this late date, their delegates will make the final choice.”


On social media, users panned the paper for the op-ed


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