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Wallace Shuts Down Gillibrand When She Goes On Anti-Fox News Rant During Town Hall

Joe Raedle/Pool via AP, File

A Fox News town hall with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) went south on Sunday when the presidential hopeful started attacking the network over its abortion coverage.


Her rant against Fox began after a former pediatric nurse asked about her position on late-term abortions.

Instead of offering a response to the question, Gillibrand blamed Fox for talking about the “red herring” of infanticide, devoting more than six hours to covering the abortion debate.

"What we have created, unfortunately, is a false choice and a false narrative," she said. "And Chris, I want to talk about the role that Fox News plays in this because it's a problem. I can tell you before President Trump gave his State of the Union, Fox News talked about infanticide."

"Infanticide doesn't exist," she said, before host Chris Wallace interrupted. 

"Senator, I just want to say, we've brought you here for an hour," he said. "We've treated you very fairly. I understand that maybe to make your credentials with the Democrats who are not appearing on Fox News you want to attack us. I'm not sure it's frankly very polite when we've invited you to be here."

"I'll do it in a polite way," Gillibrand replied.

“Instead of talking about Fox News why don’t you answer Susan’s question,” Wallace said.


Gillibrand, a fervent supporter of abortion rights, has previously vowed to only nominate federal court judges who support Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion across the nation. She repeated that position during Sunday night's event at the University of Dubuque.

Does that mean that you're okay with other presidents having their own litmus tests?" Wallace asked her. "Maybe a pro-life president might say 'I'll only appoint people who will overturn Roe v Wade.' Because the tradition in this country has been [the] independence of the judiciary and the idea that a judge, once appointed, will judge each case on its merits and not on the basis of a promise made, a political promise to get that position."

"I think it's changed. That's the way it used to be before President Trump," Gillibrand responded. "President Trump said he would only appoint judges that would overturn Roe v. Wade."

"He already did and he's doing it," she said. "The rules have changed." (

Gillibrand is only polling at 1 percent and hasn’t reached the 65,000 individual donor campaign contribution threshold to qualify for the primary debates in late June and July. 

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