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GMU Students Feel Mental Health Threatened Over Kavanaugh Teaching A Summer Class...That's Not Even in America

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

A group of students and professors at George Mason University has been triggered by the school’s decision to bring on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a visiting law professor, saying the hire threatens their mental well-being.


Kavanaugh, however, isn’t even slated to teach a course at the school’s Virginia campus, but rather one in Runnymede, England, where the Magna Carta was signed.

"The hiring of Kavanaugh threatens the mental well-being of all survivors on this campus," one female student said at GMU's board meeting last week, The College Fix reports. 

"It is affecting my mental health knowing that an abuser will be part of our faculty," said another student who is a survivor of sexual violence. 

Among the demands by “Mason 4 Survivors” is that the university “terminate AND void ALL contracts and affiliation with Brett Kavanaugh.” At the time of writing the petition had garnered more than 3,300 signatures. 

Fortunately, GMU President Angel Cabrera did not cave during the meeting. 

Video taken by The College Fix shows GMU President Angel Cabrera take a somewhat incredulous tone as he attended the faculty senate meeting and defended the hire.

“He has been confirmed by — this is not a crazy appointment. This is a Supreme Court justice who is going to be teaching about the United States Constitution,” Cabrera said.

“So from that standpoint,” he continued, “I believe I am not going to question the judgment of that. It’s not a crazy appointment … Having a Supreme Court justice is going to create value for the students. The students, by the way, have agreed. The students have signed up to this class.” (The College Fix)


Meanwhile, some members of GMU’s faculty wanted an investigation into the sexual misconduct accusations lobbed against the justice during his confirmation hearing, as if that process and the FBI’s investigation of the allegations weren’t enough.

Cabrera sounded baffled by the request: “George Mason University … investigate a Supreme Court justice who has been confirmed by the United States Senate?” 

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