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Trump's Thursday Morning Tweetstorm: Voter ID, North Korea, and the NFL

President Trump took to Twitter Thursday morning to comment on a variety of topics, including voter identification, North Korea, and the NFL kneelers.

“Many mostly Democrat States refused to hand over data from the 2016 Election to the Commission On Voter Fraud. They fought hard that the Commission not see their records or methods because they know that many people are voting illegally. System is rigged, must go to Voter I.D.” he said.


“As Americans, you need identification, sometimes in a very strong and accurate form, for almost everything you do.....except when it comes to the most important thing, VOTING for the people that run your country. Push hard for Voter Identification!”

The president’s comments come after he signed an executive order ending his Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, citing that numerous states refused to comply.


Trump also appeared to take credit for the talks between North and South Korea.

“With all of the failed “experts” weighing in, does anybody really believe that talks and dialogue would be going on between North and South Korea right now if I wasn’t firm, strong and willing to commit our total “might” against the North,” he said. “Fools, but talks are a good thing!”

On Wednesday North Korea began talking to Seoul on a communication channel that hasn’t been used in nearly two years.

Earlier this week Trump said the pressure on Pyongyang is having a “big impact.”

“Sanctions and ‘other’ pressures are beginning to have a big impact on North Korea. Soldiers are dangerously fleeing to South Korea,” he tweeted on Tuesday.


“Rocket man now wants to talk to South Korea for first time. Perhaps that is good news, perhaps not - we will see!”

Finally, President Trump retweeted a message showing a grieving woman with her baby in front of a military grave that reads: “This is why we stand.”

“So beautiful…Show this picture to the NFL players who still kneel!” he said. 

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