Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner took to social media today to hint at a political comeback. His 2013 political aspirations took a huge hit when it was revealed that he had not stopped his lecherous behavior, having continued online relationships with women who were not his wife.
On Facebook, Weiner wrote a post titled "What's Next? First Let Me Say Thanks," and wrote:
What's next? I'll keep you posted on my plans. But I hope we keep the band together. You have been an amazing resource and the network we have all become part of has helped lead the debate on national health care, the need for a smarter and more compassionate approach to the growing pockets of need in our nation, and we all have sought to make the argument that too often we progressives come to knife fights carrying library books. Although my Republican friends have to decide what to do with the tea party wackadoo wing of their party, it does not constitute a strategy to simply sit back and watch them immolate. Our team has to be a font of ideas and debate. I tried to run my campaign on this theme and the response was amazing.
Emphasis mine.
"Keeping the band together" might be a reference to his campaign infrastructure - which would hint at a future for himself in the political arena. It could also just mean he wants his supporters (how many of those are left?) to keep supporting him, no matter what he does - maybe he'll get a show on RT America or somesuch station like that.
Regardless, Anthony Weiner doesn't want to just go away.
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