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What November Means for Sequestration and Debt Ceiling

There will be a lame duck session between Election Day 2012 and January 2013, when President Obama has his second inauguration and the next Congress takes office. And in that time, incredibly important policy must be decided.

We will see an enormous decision that must be made on the Bush income taxes and the payroll tax holiday, but what might provide more problems between the parties are the sequester spending cuts. Democrats do not want to admit that they have pushed sharp defense decreases upon the country as a "compromise" for raising the debt ceiling last time. It's surprising that this group of Keynesians are ready to cut spending during an economic recovery. But it does reveal the true ideology of Democrats - not on the side of economics, but on the side of partisanship.

What's more, the U.S. is yet again ready to hit the debt ceiling. Likely to happen sometime in November or December, once again Congress and Barack Obama will be forced to face the consequences of out-of-control spending. Democrats will probably insist that this spending is absolutely necessary and push back on the idea that reform is needed. But as the debt ceiling gets increased again, it will be important to reflect on where all of that money is going.

Conservatives must stay strong. Conservatives cannot become despondent and think that out-of-control entitlement spending is the new normal. This election does not contain a mandate for Democrats - and the coming months will put Republicans' resolve to the test.

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