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What Is Joe Biden Hiding in Delaware?

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

President Joe Biden is headed to Delaware for the weekend, adding onto his dozens of visits. 

The White House has been pressed a number of times about why Biden goes to his personal residence so often. Press Secretary Jen Psaki has justified the frequent visits by saying, "It's his home."


"The president goes to Delaware because it's his home. And it's also where his son and his former wife are buried," Psaki said in January. 

But new reporting from the New York Post shows the location is quite convenient for Biden, and the Secret Service claims to have no records of who visits him there. Previously, it was assumed the White House was simply refusing to release the logs. 

The US Secret Service has dubiously claimed to The Post that it has “no records” of visitors to President Biden’s two Delaware residences and therefore cannot divulge that information in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

Biden was at his residences in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach on about one-quarter of all days during his first year in office, but little is known about who stopped by for official meetings or less formal lobbying efforts — such as by members of his family and their associates.

The Post sought more than one year of visitor log records, including for Biden’s first year in office, but Secret Service Freedom of Information Act officer Kevin Tyrrell wrote in a response dated Monday that “[t]he Secret Service FOIA Office searched all Program Offices that were likely to contain potentially responsive records, and no records were located.”



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