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Americans Will Have to Wait a Little Longer for the Supreme Court's Ruling on Vaccine Mandates

AP Photo/Steven Senne, File

UPDATE: The Supreme Court issued rulings on Biden's vaccine mandates Thursday afternoon. Read about them here

***Original Post***

The Supreme Court did not issue a ruling on the constitutionality of President Joe Biden's vaccine mandates for private companies and medical workers Thursday morning. While it wasn't a guarantee the Justices would issue a ruling today, it was likely given the pressing nature of Biden's mandates impacting the futures of more than 100 million Americans. 


During oral arguments about the cases, which took place last week, conservative Justices seemed skeptical of Biden's mandates. A number of lower courts previously ruled the mandates were unconstitutional given Congress never approved them. 

"During several hours of oral arguments, the court’s conservative majority posed sharp questions about whether a federal workplace law that Congress passed some five decades ago provides the legal authority for a vaccine-or-test policy affecting roughly 84 million workers at large employers," the Hill reported. "The conservative justices also appeared wary, though slightly less so, of a separate coronavirus vaccine mandate that applies to the roughly 17 million health care workers at hospitals and other facilities that receive federal funding through the Medicare and Medicaid programs."


Liberal Justices argued heavily in favor of the mandates and falsely stated current Wuhan coronavirus vaccines prevent transmission of the disease.  According to data and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, that is not true. 

Further, Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed 100,000 children are currently hospitalized with the virus with "many" on ventilators. That statement was roundly deemed as false by a number of fact checkers and Walensky. 

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