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Airline CEOs: Planes are Safe Without Masking Passengers

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Testifying on Capitol Hill Wednesday, CEOs from Southwest and Americans Airlines debunked the Biden Administration narrative that masking on planes mitigates the spread of Wuhan coronavirus. 


"I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting,” Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly said. 

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker agreed. 

“An aircraft is the safest place you can be. It’s true of all of our aircraft. They all have the same HEPA filters and airflow,” Parker said. "I concur." 

Two weeks ago President Biden issued an executive order extending masking requirements for air and rail transportation until March 2022. He also announced hefty fines for violations of the mandate will remain in place. 


"The Administration will continue to require masking during international or other public travel – as well as in transportation hubs such as airports or indoor bus terminals – through March 18 as we continue to battle COVID-19 this winter. The Transportation Security Administration will extend its implementing orders to maintain these requirements through March 18," the White House released. "Fines will continue to be doubled from their initial levels for noncompliance with the masking requirements – with a minimum fine of $500 and fines of up to $3,000 for repeat offenders." 

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