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New Poll Shows How Voters Feel About Trump's Latest Move to Combat Violent Crime

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Yesterday President Trump announced the expansion of Operation Legend and the deployment of additional federal law enforcement officers to violent, crime ridden cities around the country. 


"Today, I'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime. We'll work every single day to restore public safety, protect our nation's children and bring violent perpetrators to justice. We've been doing it and you've been seeing what's happening all around the country. We've just started this process and frankly, we have no choice but to get involved," Trump said. 

A new survey from Rasmussen Reports shows the majority of voters back the decision and reject calls from Democrats to defund the police. 


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters think federal law enforcement officials should be used to fight the growing level of violent crime in several major cities since the cities appear unable or unwilling to handle the problem themselves. Thirty-six percent (36%) oppose this federal anti-crime help.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Americans oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live. Sixty-one percent (61%) believe violent crime will go up in communities that defund the police.

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