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Here is the Far-Left Wish List Nancy Pelosi Just Blew Everything Up For

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

UPDATE: Text of the provisions has been added below. 

As previously reported, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came back to Washington D.C. last night after a week long recess and blew up days of emergency relief work done by the Senate. She wants to write her own far left bill and now we know what will be in it. 


According to a source close to the process on Capitol Hill, in order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included: 

-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards

-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service

-Required early voting

-Required same day voter registration 

-Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining

-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights 

-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

-Federal $15 minimum wage

-Permanent paid leave

-Study on climate change mitigation efforts 

The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by the bill. 

Pelosi Bill by Katie Pavlich on Scribd

Guy reported on the initial details of what Pelosi's demands would be earlier, which were confirmed by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor. Republican Senator Tom Cotton and Congressman Dan Crenshaw also backed up the details.  


A vote on the current package, which was worked through in the Senate in previously bipartisan fashion, was blocked by Democrats earlier today. 

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