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FYI: The Dayton Shooter Was Pro-Antifa and Wanted to Vote For Elizabeth Warren

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

The left's rage and cynical politicization in the wake of back-to-back mass shootings over the weekend continues unabated. Worse, the demagoguery has been aided by most in the Democrat media complex. 


But as we're learning more about both assailants, one in El Paso and the other in Dayton, the narrative about the shootings being a direct result of President Trump's rhetoric is falling apart. 

Much of the focus has been on the El Paso shooter. After all, he did write a manifesto indicating he is a white nationalist and echoed the same sentiments given by the cold-blooded white supremacist murderer in New Zealand in March. This is the narrative that works for the left.

But in Dayton, which has received far less media attention, the shooter had a different ideology. In fact, he was a fan of Democrat 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren, was pro-gun control and held extreme ideologies on the environment. This of course was on top of being suspended from school after teachers found a "rape and kill" list written by the eventual mass murder. From Forbes

A Twitter account which is believed to have belonged to the accused Dayton, Ohio, gunman Connor Betts has been unearthed, revealing the 24-year-old appeared to like posts about the El Paso shooting hours before his rampage and was a self-described leftist who praised Satan.

Posts also reveal that Betts said he would “happily” vote for Senator Elizabeth Warren and that he targeted right-wing beliefs, at one point tweeting “kill every fascist” in response to a Buzzfeed story about the Charlottesville white supremacist rally. His Twitter bio read: he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / I’m going to hell and I’m not coming back.” The account included selfies of Betts.

Meanwhile, Betts’ ex girlfriend, Caitlyn “Adelia” Johnson, told The Blade that a series of red flags prompted her to break up with him, including a fascination he had with shooting sprees. High school classmates say Betts was suspended after drawing up a “hit list” and a “rape list,” AP reported.


Further, the Dayton killer was pro-Antifa. 

The point? These evil monsters are exactly that and aren't owned by a political party. The narrative we've heard over the past few days is the opposite: mass shooters are always white males, Trump supporters, Republicans, right-wingers and of course white supremacists. It's just not true. There's an obvious reason the El Paso shooter is getting more attention and air time.


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