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Trump Bites Back at Chief Justice John Roberts

President Trump is biting back at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts over the political bias of judges across the country.


Earlier in the day Roberts issued a rare and direct rebuke of President Trump's view that activist judges are blocking important policy to stop illegal immigration.

On Tuesday the White House vowed to fight activist judges who enable illegal aliens breaking U.S. law.

"At this very moment, massive numbers of aliens are arriving at our southern border, threatening to incapacitate our already overwhelmed immigration system. Yet now, a single district judge has issued a nationwide temporary restraining order preventing the executive branch from performing its Constitutional duty to enforce our borders and control entry into the United States. This decision will open the floodgates, inviting countless illegal aliens to pour into our country on the American taxpayer’s dime," Press Secretary Sarah Sanders released in a statement. "We will take all necessary action to defend the executive branch’s lawful response to the crisis at our southern border."


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