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Here's What the Left Doesn't Want America to Know About Brett Kavanaugh

If you tuned in on day one of the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh Tuesday, you watched Democrats do everything possible to attack his legal record. Worse, they smeared his character, integrity and repeatedly made a number of false accusations.


Putting the distraction, grandstanding and protests aside, there's a lot of inconvenient facts the far left -- including Democrat Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris -- don't want Americans to know about Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 

The majority of his law clerks have been women

"I’ve been very aggressive about hiring the best and understanding that the best include women," Kavanaugh said during testimony Wednesday. "A majority of my clerks have been women. Twenty-five. Twenty-one of them have gone on the clerk at the Supreme Court. They're an awesome group. If confirmed to the Supreme Court, I will continue to do this." 

Fifty-two percent of the clerks  Judge Kavanaugh has hired have been women. 

Judge Kavanaugh's clerks are diverse

Twenty-seven percent of Judge Kavanaugh's law clerks are minorities. Five of them African-American, six Asian-American and two Latino.     

His mother was a teacher in a minority school during the Civil Rights Movement

"I am here today with another of my judicial heroes … my mom. Fifty years ago this week, in September 1968, my mom was 26 and I was three. That week, my mom started as a public-school teacher at McKinley Tech High School here in Washington, D.C. 1968 was a difficult time for race relations in our city and our country," Kavanaugh said. 


"McKinley Tech had an almost entirely African-American student body. It was east of the park. I vividly remember days as a young boy sitting in the back of my mom’s classroom as she taught American history to a class of African-American teenagers," he continued. "Her students were born before Brown versus Board of Education or Bolling versus Sharpe. By her example, my mom taught me the importance of equality for all Americans — equal rights, equal dignity, and equal justice under law." 

He's backed by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

"His intellect is unquestioned. His judgement is highly regarded. And I can personally attest to his character and integrity as a colleague," Rice testified Tuesday as a character witness.

He has the highest ranking possible from the American Bar Association

The ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary on Friday gave its highest rating of well-qualified to Kavanaugh, a 53-year-old judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Kavanaugh was nominated July 9 to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who announced his retirement June 27. Kavanaugh is a former Kennedy clerk.

The ABA standing committee evaluates nominees based on professional competence, integrity and judicial temperament.


Serious legal scholars on the left, including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, support him

When Elena Kagan was dean of Harvard Law School, she was in search of rising conservative legal stars. The traditionally liberal campus, the thinking went, could use a little ideological diversity with more robust debate and the challenge of different viewpoints.

Among Kagan’s hires, as a visiting professor, was a newly appointed federal appeals court judge from Washington named Brett Kavanaugh.

Law students love him 

Law students who evaluated Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s classes gave mostly glowing evaluations to the future U.S. Supreme Court nominee.

One student at Georgetown was so impressed that the 2007 evaluation read: “I honestly believe I took a class that was instructed by a future Supreme Court justice." Others rated Kavanaugh as their best professor ever. Students said he was accessible outside of class, evenhanded, fair-minded, well-versed in the materials and smart. One noted his “great hair!”

The New York Times found those comments while reading through about 700 pages of evaluations by about 350 law students who took Kavanaugh’s classes at Harvard, Yale and Georgetown.


He's supported by a self-described liberal feminist and law partner at Arnold & Porter

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