Attorney General Loretta Lynch is testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning. The hearing will focus on oversight of the Department of Justice, Dallas, terrorism, Hillary Clinton's email scandal and more.
“At the oversight hearing, members of the House Judiciary Committee will examine several issues facing the Justice Department, ranging from recent terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino to technological advances and their impact on law enforcement activities. We will also seek information about the disturbing politicization of the Justice Department under the Obama Administration, including the Department’s involvement in crafting the New Orleans Police Department’s sanctuary policy and its use of mortgage settlements to funnel money to third-party activist groups," Chairman Bob Goodlatte released in a statement. “Additionally, the recent announcement by FBI Director Comey that he does not recommend criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for her mishandling of classified information raises serious concerns. It is uniquely troubling in light of Attorney General Lynch’s secret meeting with former President Bill Clinton. No one is above the law and the American people need to know that federal law enforcement is taking this misconduct seriously.
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