During an Orlando health care conference on Thursday, former House Speaker John Boehner predicted that the idea of repealing and replacing Obamacare is nothing more than wishful thinking.
Republicans are “going to fix Obamacare – I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” he said.
Boehner said he "started laughing" in November when Republicans were talking about a fast pace repeal-and-replace program and said "Republicans never ever agree on health care."
House Republicans are under immense pressure from President Donald Trump and constituents across the country to come up with a plan to handle the out of control Affordable Care Act.
Last week, Aetna Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Bertolini said that the health care plan "is in a death spiral." He said the markets established under Barack Obama's policy are nearing failure as premiums skyrocket and healthy individuals drop out.
Aetna, was one of the hardest hit insurers under Obamacare. The private company lost around $450 million in sales last year.
"I had 450 million reasons last year why we should have been out of it," Bertolini said. "And in the first look at this quarter, it's not going to get any better. It's getting worse."
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