Adam Theo, a Democratic activist in Arlington, Virginia, revealed on his Twitter account he had to be hospitalized after enduring a beating from a stranger after he attempted to intervene in stopping the assaulter from attacking someone else. Theo went on to say if Arlington police do arrest his attacker, he does not want him to go to jail.
Instead, Theo would want the man to go through "#RestorativeJustice," Fox News reports.
"Bad news: I am no longer beautiful," Theo wrote on his now-locked down Twitter account. "This evening when walking home I passed a young guy arguing w/ (I presume) his girlfriend in Clarendon. He starts getting violent with her - pushing her around and trying to rip off her clothes. I intervened... and got the sh*t beat out of me."
"I lost count after punch no. 6. His [girlfriend] pulled him back long enough for me to stumble away, but not far enough as he broke away from her and went for another series of blows. About 15 in total I think?" he continued. "Samaritans came to aid and called 911, with the guy dragging the woman away screaming. Last I heard while sitting in Virginia Hospital Center he'd not yet been caught."
"Assuming [Arlington police] catches him, I want to persue [sic] #RestorativeJustice," he continued. "I want programs to deal with such anger & possibly substance abuse. Jail doesn't fix people - it just releases problems back out into society even worse than when they went in."
Theo told Fox 5 he believes in "restorative justice" based on his past experience being in jail.
"Temporarily locked to fend off right-winger trolls flooding my [timeline] with racist slurs & attacking friends," Theo's Twitter biography now reads.
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