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New York Mayor Sends Incredible Tone-Deaf Tweet. Most Predictable Ratio Happens.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is on a rehabilitation tour for the Big Apple as crime and cost of living continues to be just some of the consistent problems for the area.


On Tuesday, Adams tweeted, "There are only two types of Americans: those who live in New York, and those who wish they could. We got this."

Now every city and town has its pros and cons. While NYC used to be a great place to live, there is no denying it is going through an extremely tough time, thanks in large part to Democratic policies. While it may be a good place to visit, there is a reason why people have left NYC in droves.

Users on Twitter listed out such reasons in response to Adams:


It seems Adams is hellbent on continuing the slow decay that has been eating at the city for well over a decade and is trying to put lipstick on a pig.

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