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Oregon Governor Wants You to 'Uninvite' Family for Thanksgiving, But Had No Issues with BLM Protests

AP Photo/Gillian Flaccus

Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) tweeted on Tuesday that state residents needed to keep this year's Thanksgiving holiday gatherings "small" and encouraged people to "uninvite" their family members. The messaging, which is in response to the rise in COVID-19 cases, is in stark contrast to the mass Black Lives Matter protests and riots that occurred this past summer.


"This is hard, but making difficult sacrifices now will save lives," Brown tweeted.

Brown tweeted approvingly in late July of the ongoing mass gatherings outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in downtown Portland, which saw rioters continually attacking the federal property on a nightly basis.

There, instead of telling people to remain at home and avoid gathering in large groups, Brown had harsher words for the federal officers who were sent to reinforce the courthouse.

"The President’s plan to 'dominate' the streets of American cities has failed. And today, federal troops are preparing to leave downtown Portland. We will protect free speech and the right to protest peacefully...The massive and non-violent protests led by Black Lives Matter activists have inspired the nation," she tweeted.


The next day, Brown continued to praise people gathering in large groups and voiced no concerns in the same tweet about how the protests were in violation of recommended COVID-19 guidelines.


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