Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville told MSNBC on Monday that he believes the investigations into President Trump and his family will not be able to be stopped, even if a Joe Biden administration wants them to stop because there is too much "momentum."
Biden has signaled he does not want to open any new investigations into what was done during Trump's presidency.
"Hey, James, where do you come down on the natural temptation to launch a bunch of investigations?" MSNBC host Brian Williams asked.
"Well, that’s the question, is, first of all, you can’t stop the Manhattan D.A. You can’t stop the New York Attorney General. You can’t stop the Southern District of New York. Bill Barr couldn’t stop the Southern District of New York from indicting Steve Bannon. So, just the momentum that is out there with these investigations now, I don’t think they can stop," Carville said.
"President-Elect Biden has indicated some reluctance about this, but he said he’d get the Justice Department — the attorney general, as has been done prior to this administration, a pretty free hand. I don’t know politically the outcome of this, but I think this train is leaving the station and I think these investigations are vigorous and serious. And I think that Trump knows that, and I don’t think it can be stopped, Brian, I really don’t," he added.
Some Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) have said Trump needs to be brought to justice, even when he leaves office.
"Well, I certainly would support investigating the president of the United States. What he has done in the four years that he has served as president is simply unconscionable, I think criminal in some cases," Waters said. Adding, "He’s placed this country in danger. And the president of the United States is supposed to be about making sure that the country is safe and secure, and he has done everything possible to undermine our democracy. And I don’t think that can be overlooked."