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Whoops: CNN Showed the Wrong Candidate Winning a State During Super Tuesday 2.0

CNN's coverage of Super Tuesday 2.0 got off to a rocky start when they incorrectly showed on-air Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) winning the state of Mississippi when in fact former Vice President Joe Biden won the primary.


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer appeared to be caught off guard when the graphic on the giant screen behind him declared Sanders the winner in Mississippi.

"And we have our first projection of the night. Bernie Sanders...not..not happening right now. Joe Biden, Joe Biden is the winner," Blitzer said.

The correct graphic showing Biden's southern victory briefly appeared on the screen before cutting to black. The chyron at the bottom of the screen correctly stated Biden won Mississippi.

Biden crushed Sanders during the latest round of voting on Tuesday, winning Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho. Sanders won North Dakota.

Biden increased his delegate lead, having a total of 837 so far with Sanders having 689. A candidate needs to have 1,991 delegates in order to secure the nomination. 

President Trump's reelection campaign is now focusing on Biden now that he is the presumptive Democratic nominee.


“It has never mattered who the Democrat nominee turns out to be, and now that there are only two options left, it is clear that they are two sides of the same coin,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. “The Democrat candidate for president will be running on a big government socialist agenda regardless of the name on the ballot. It is also clear that the Democrat establishment has rallied around the confused Joe Biden in an effort to deny the nomination to Bernie Sanders.”


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