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London Police Update: 21 Still in Critical Condition

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley held a press conference with the latest updates on the London Bridge terror attack.

The three attackers have been identified, but their names are not being released at this time. Authorities are "increasingly confident that the attack was conducted by three individuals," but they're continuing to investigate into "whether there were others involved in the planning." Earlier Sunday, 12 people were arrested in Barking, east London, in connection with the attack. 


Rowley said they have confirmed that eight officers discharged their weapons in confronting the terrorists, firing 50 rounds "to be completely confident that they had neutralized the threat."

During the confrontation a civilian was also shot, and is hospitalized with non-critical injuries.

Seven people were killed in the attack, and Rowley said the work to inform their next of kin is ongoing and may take some time because they believe some of the victims are "from abroad." He added that of the 48 people hospitalized after the attack, 21 remain in critical condition.

Rowley asked the public to avoid the London Bridge and Borough Market areas since crime scene investigations are ongoing, and to plan alternate routes for the Monday commute. He added, "The public can expect to see additional police, both armed and unarmed, around the capital," including additional security measures around London's bridges.

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