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Poll Shows Biden's Immigration Gamble Isn't Working

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

According to a June 12 Monmouth poll, President Biden’s job rating remains lower than his predecessor's retrospective job rating despite his executive order to limit asylum cases at the U.S.-Mexico border.


Biden’s order to secure the border received a 40% approval rating, 27% disapproval, and 33% no opinion rating. The poll added that support was “evenly spread” among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, with a “slightly” higher percentage of Republicans and Independents opposing his decision.

Biden’s initial public opinion results on his border security order have been more positive than negative; however, his job rating has yet to improve. Former president Donald Trump, on the other hand, has seen an increase in his retrospective job approval rating, surpassing the current president’s.

“Biden will never be able to satisfy Republicans on border policy,” Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, said. “The real question is whether he can neutralize this issue among independents without alienating certain Democrats. These initial public opinion results suggest he may have achieved some of that, but it’s not a clear political win by any stretch.”


The Monmouth poll also found that 38% of Americans approve and 58% disapprove of Biden's job performance. His approval rating went down from 42% to 38% from his last tally in April, but it is still in line with his rating in the Fall.

When asked to give a retrospective rating of former President Donald Trump's performance in office, 47% of Americans approved, and 50% disapproved.

The poll reported that Republicans and Democrats' opinions regarding Biden and Trump are “predictably polarized.” However, there is a “huge gap” in the opinion of Independents, with 29% approving and 66% disapproving of Biden's performance and 44% approving and 53% disapproving of Trump's performance in office. 

Regardless of Biden’s last attempts to appease different demographics of voters before the election, Trump’s approval ratings have risen since his time in office. For instance, during Trump’s presidency, his approval ratings–now hitting high-40’s–would “hover” in the low-40’s, the poll reported. Also, in November 2020, 38% of independents approved of Trump's job performance and 57% disapproved.


“If reelection bids are a referendum of presidential job performance, 2024 presents a unique case with two officeholders on the ballot,” Murray said. “And that is posing a problem for Biden. Independents who are unhappy with the current incumbent seem to have developed a view of the Trump presidency that is somewhat rosier than the opinion they held when he was actually in office,” said Murray. 

The Monmouth University survey polled 1,106 adults from June 6 to 10, 2024, and has a 3.8% margin for error.


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