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Weak: Canada's Leftist Leader Showcases Phony 'Feminism' With Hypocritical Dig at Trump

AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis

As Sarah highlighted yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently served up a characteristically pandering and hypocritical take on American voters electing for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris last month.  Perhaps Trudeau is feeling bitter about Trump poking fun at him during a recent Mar-a-Lago meeting, during which Trump reportedly responded to Trudeau's resistance on economic proposals by suggesting Canada could become America's 51st state -- of which he'd allow Trudeau to be governor.  Or perhaps he's just getting his shots in while he still can, given the direction his own polling numbers are looking.  Regardless, Prime Minister Blackface wanted his audience to know how very enlightened he is on gender politics and so-called "progress," so he said this:


I couldn't help but wonder, in response to this drivel, whether the Prime Minister would live his own values and step down immediately, in order to make way for a woman to replace him.  Or at least a person of color, whom he repeatedly attempted to impersonate by darkening his face with paint.  He did so often enough that he can't even recall how many times he wore blackface.  What are the chances of Trudeau relinquishing power in such a manner?  Seemingly zero, given his own path to power.  This is peak Trudeau.  Truly perfect:

MKH added, acidly, "also, this a**hole is documented wearing black face THREE times and he’s like 'y’all need to learn how to act, America.”'GTFO, Gov. Trudeau."  The 'gov' reference is a wonderful final jab.  You see, if it meant himself being in power, Trudeau was more than happy to stomp over female competitors.  The "progress" toward "feminism" was meant for other people, in that respect.  His attitude is, shame on Americans for declining to vote for the women, but Canadians were right to vote for me over all these other women.  Funny how that works, isn't it?  For a variety of reasons, a new Conservative government can't come soon enough to Ottawa, but make no mistake, it's very likely coming:


I'll leave you with two examples of left-wing identity politics sacred cows getting skewered here in the US.  Hopefully, the winds have truly shifted:

Wonderfully, Americans lopsidedly believe in colorblindness and embracing MLK's famous 'content of character' dream for our future -- and reject the pro-discrimination "equity"-minded bastardization the leftist identitarians have attempted to foist upon the country in recent years.

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