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Here's the Most Brazen Element of Kamala Stealing Trump's 'No Tax on Tips' Proposal

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

For weeks, media organizations have derided Donald Trump's 'no tax on tips' proposal as an unserious political stunt (I have substantive concerns with it, despite its obvious and undeniable populist appeal).  Now that their preferred candidate has lifted the idea from Trump, expect to see those criticisms magically vanish, or somehow be turned into praise -- for her, of course.  Some people are already spinning, explaining why Harris' version of the plan she nicked from her opponent is probably better than his anyway.  Like so much else about the 'news' media coverage of this campaign, it's astonishing to witness in real time.  Understand what happened here:  Harris is trying to overtake Trump in Nevada, which hasn't gone Republican at the presidential level in two decades, but where Trump has been leading in the polls.  The 'no tax on tips' promise, whatever one thinks of it on the merits, is going to be popular in a hospitality-heavy state.  She decided that rather than fight Trump on it, she'd just steal the idea:


Surely she knows there's a huge policy problem with attempting to adopt this stance, but she's counting on the journalists in her base to just let it slide.  And here's the aforementioned huge problem:


The so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" was a scam. Bernie Sanders even admitted the legislation had nothing to do with bringing down inflation.  After it was passed, Joe Biden voiced regret that he hadn't described the law as a giant 'green' climate change measure (he did so in the presence of environmentalist activists, knowing full well that a truthful marketing of the bill would have sunk it).  A central element of this law was an enormous empowerment and expansion of the IRS.  Democrats' flood of money to their allies at the IRS was so overwhelming that even a former director of the agency expressed shock at the scope of the new funding, questioning how the IRS could even efficiently use the new resources.  Republicans tried to force amendments to ensure that middle class and working people wouldn't be impacted by the newly-beefed-up tax enforcement service, but Senate Democrats unanimously killed off every attempt to do so, even while falsely claiming such taxpayers wouldn't be affected.  In reality, new IRS audits have disproportionately targeted lower-income Americans, as predicted.  Kamala Harris wasn't some innocent bystander in all of this.  In addition to pushing for the so-called 'Inflation Reduction Act's' passage, she personally broke the Senate tie to ensure its enactment:


Without Kamala Harris, the inflation-fueling, IRS-empowering "Inflation Reduction Act" wouldn't exist. She was the deciding vote, as she proudly proclaims in the clip above.  The IRS would not have been doubled, with lots of new personnel and resources to come after ordinary people and crack down on things specifically like tips-based income.  Now she's just pretending like she's a grand defender of tips-based income, as if her role in the  IRA simply never happened.  She thinks she can get away with it.  In light of the 'news' media's boosterism, she might not be wrong, especially if her opponent somehow can't manage to message this effectively.  It is unbelievable how she is playacting as if she is not the incumbent in this race.  She is Joe Biden's co-pilot on everything.  She is complicit in all of it, including the Big Lie about his fitness for office and mental acuity.  And yet, she's reading teleprompter applause lines like this, as if she's the challenger.  Shameless:


She has advocated for trillions in additional spending during the Biden-Harris administration, in which she is currently a leading figure, right now. She demanded the passage of 'Build Back Better,' which would have added trillions to the inflationary pile if it hadn't been narrowly defeated.  She wanted trillions more tacked onto an infrastructure bill, which even Biden had the sense to reject out of hand.  And she's proposed a mind-boggling 'Medicare for All'/'Green New Deal' one-two punch that would add an estimated $10 trillion to the federal budget every single year, more than doubling it (the federal government is already running a $2 trillion annual deficit).  She is pledging to reduce prices, having  had a major hand in hugely inflating prices on American families -- and she expects people to believe her, with full cover from journalists. There is nothing authentic about this sham of a campaign, including the "joy" the media keeps droning on about.  Kamala Harris runs a toxic, anti-joy operation, as an army of ex-staffers can attest.  This is all a mirage, with the Democrats and their media friends fully aware that they only have to maintain if for a few months.


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