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Kamala: I've Always Supported a Total Government Takeover of Healthcare, and Kudos to Bernie Sanders

AP Photo/John Bazemore

It has been head-spinning to witness the Kamala Harris campaign, via statements from spokespeople, try to simply assert that her stances and positions are not her stances and positions.  Proposals she has enthusiastically and emphatically embraced very suddenly no longer apply, they tell us.  Pay no attention to the vision for the country she's painted quite clearly and vividly with her own words, on camera.  Ignore the platform she ran on just a few years ago, when she had the opportunity to build it from scratch.  Listen only to new, terse, explanation-free comments from faceless flacks -- on everything from gun confiscation to fracking bans, and now, a federal jobs guarantee:


You know who's a very prominent 'Green New Deal proponent'?  Kamala Harris.  She co-sponsored the $50-to-93 trillion plan, and boasted about her support for it, insisting that it would, among other things, end fracking once and for all.  This is supposedly no longer her position, someone you've never heard of tells us.  We will get more of these complete reversals, as there's a lot of reversing to do.  Her 2020 cycle positions are her real ones, of course.  Perhaps the biggest one is Harris' spokesperson-claimed disposal of her 'Medicare For All' scheme, a centerpiece of her political career.  The plan would uproot the entire American healthcare system, banning private health insurance plans relied upon by close to 180 million people, and force everyone onto a $3.2 trillion-per-year government-run system (including illegal immigrants).  If you like your plan, you can't keep it.  Huge tax increases across the board would be required to even partially fund Kamala's new arrangement, to say nothing of all the bureaucracy, waiting times, rationing, and stifling medical innovation.  Speaking of private healthcare, Harris said she wants to "eliminate all of that" and "move on."  She also said this:


She's always supported outlawing private insurance in favor of a government-run scheme so expensive that even tiny, left-wing Vermont abandoned it as fiscally untenable.  Her little shout-out to Bernie is also a nice touch, as if to say, he's not the only person who's believed in this policy consistently -- so have I.  Well, until four minutes ago, when she decided stating her real belief could cause some political inconvenience for the next few months.  Again, her 2020 campaign represents her most authentic thoughts, to the extent that they exist.  Her instincts and ideology are hard left, as has been demonstrated over and over.  The current, outsourced climb-down is about getting through a few the next few months.  The real Kamala Harris, broadly speaking, is the person in that clip above.  And these:


If Republicans cannot effectively define Harris -- accurately -- for what she is, the Left and the media will fill this gap.  This is absolutely the plan:

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