Journalist Andy Ngo, and his attorney Harmeet Dhillon, joined the Guy Benson Show this afternoon to discuss the savage weekend assault inflicted upon Ngo by members of the far-Left extremist organization, Antifa. The beating -- which left Ngo bloodied, bruised and hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage -- was caught on film by several onlookers. The crime occurred in broad daylight, in the streets of a major American city. According to Dhillon, no arrests had been made as of this interview airing (three other arrests have been made in connection with other Antifa melees that day). Listen to the full segment here:
.@MrAndyNgo joined @guypbenson after this weekend's violent attack in Portland, catch his full segment on the #guybensonshow here:
— The Guy Benson Show (@GuyBensonShow) July 1, 2019
Ngo describes the attack in detail:
"This is the anarchy of Portland. It's considered a provocation for citizens to record activities that happen in public. So they viewed me [as] provoking them because simply I walked around the demonstration with the camera. This didn't just happen in a major American city; we were a stone's throw away from the major institutions of the rule of law for the city: Courthouses, the central police precinct, the sheriff's office. I could actually see these buildings while I was getting beaten by this mob. What happened is, they were marching in front of the Justice Center. And then somebody ran from behind and bashed me in the back of my head. I don't know with what. It was very hard. As soon as I sort of got my footing, before I could even realize what had happened, then the hits just kept coming to the front, to the back.
I lost control of -- I was holding my GoPro in my hand and my phone, and my camera equipment was stolen in that moment, by somebody who was dressed head to toe in black. I thought the worst of it was over. It wasn't. So what happened next was, this so-called peaceful milkshake protest. The people who were came with milkshakes throwing that at me, hurling it directly in my face so I couldn't even see which way to walk out. And then more people charged in to punch me to kick me. They were particularly targeting my head in my eye, and I stumbled away. There was absolutely no police."
And this is my exchange with Ngo about the smears against him by violence apologists -- as well as the hypocritical silence among many self-appointed identity politics enforcers:
Benson: Andy, one of the excuses from the apologists, who will mouth a few words of denunciation and then come after you, almost as if you were asking for it -- they say you're a sympathizer of white supremacy is that true?
Ngo: Absolutely not. This is what I mean when they're adopting the rhetoric tactics of Antifa, it's to demonize your ideological opponents of quote unquote Nazis or fascists. So then they have the moral legitimacy to attack you, and get praised for it in the public.
Benson: You are a person of color yourself, correct?
Ngo: Yes, I am.
Benson: You also happen to be gay. I am as well. It was pride month and then World Pride this past weekend. I know it doesn't seem like you were attacked because of your sexuality, I just wonder, Andy, if an LGBT journalist had been attacked in the streets by a right wing mob, on pride weekend, might that have gotten some attention from gay rights groups? Have you heard from any mainstream gay rights groups standing up for you, and your rights?
Ngo: I've seen quite the contrary. One of the staff people with the Human Rights Campaign actually put out a tweet that was diminishing what had happened to me. We all know that of course if this was a progressive journalist who even received a fraction of what I experienced, the whole machine of the progressive system would go into overdrive to bring attention to that. I mean you see them do that to obviously dubious allegations of hate crimes, and then they that turned out to be hoaxes. They've gone quite quiet. So it's disappointing, but not surprising. I'm not the right type of victim.
Dhillon said she and her client support the Justice Department intervening to ensure that basic rights are being protected in a city that routinely coddles and bows to Antifa's lawless goonery. She added that they are preparing to take legal action against any and all individuals they deem responsible for the beating. Much of the mainstream media has ignored this story completely, in spite of frequent hand-wringing about rhetorical attacks on the press. If the ideological roles had been different, that simply would not be the case, and we all know it. The rules are different, and it's a disgrace.
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