Trump's ardent opposition has a right to keep protesting and "resisting" to their bleeding hearts' content, it should go without saying. But most Americans are growing weary of the unending culture of outrage, according to a new Fox News poll. Among men and women alike, the overall majority's message? It's time to get over it, guys:
A 53% majority thinks it’s time to "move on" from protesting Trump @FoxNews #Poll DETAILS:
— Fox News Poll (@foxnewspoll) March 2, 2017
The poll asks, “What message would you like to send to people who are protesting President Trump and his policies?” Over half, 53 percent, would tell them “it’s time to move on,” while 44 percent would implore them “don’t give up the fight” ... Not surprisingly, these results are highly partisan. Fully 81 percent of Democrats want the protesters to keep fighting, while even more Republicans (87 percent) say it’s time to move on.
That degree of partisanship may be predictable in our polarized age, so where do independents fall on this question? They break toward the "move on" camp by a 30-point margin. As we've documented elsewhere, the Left's ongoing meltdown over pretty much everything is not having its intended effect on public opinion or electoral results. But if the goal of the Resistance is to perpetuate a righteous spiral of self-affirming fury that turns off many potentially-persuadable Americans in the process, they're doing a bang-up job. I'll leave you with the latest disgraceful scene from the Resistance's front lines. Controversial conservative author and scholar Charles Murray was invited to speak at Middlebury College this week, where a mob of students disrupted and shut down his event -- shouting down and injuring a female professor in the ensuing melee. Pathetic, illiberal children (skip ahead to the 19:00 mark, if you can stomach this revolting display):
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