Tipsheet If You Love Attack Ads... Guy Benson | September 27, 2010 4:13 PM Advertisement ...then, like me, you're probably an incurable political junkie. You'll also love this post from the NRCC, rolling out 20 new TV spots hitting Democrats in tough races. Here are a few of my personal favorites: Advertisement GA-08: PA-03: MO-04: VA-05: If you watch all 20 ads, you'll probably notice a theme: Almost all of them (14 of 20) include at least a cameo appearance by one very special lady. Join the conversation as a VIP Member Login to Leave a Comment Recommended Tom Hanks Faces Brutal Backlash from Trump Supporters After Mocking Them in SNL Sketch Sarah Arnold Jack Smith Discloses Eyebrow-Raising Gift Mia Cathell Speaker Johnson: Elon ‘Cracked the Code’ To Beat Deep State Jeremy Frankel Elon Musk Exposes Shocking Discovery: Millions in Social Security Database Listed as 100-159 Years Old Sarah Arnold A Top Hamas Terrorist Was Plotting to Kill Jews in Europe. Here's What Israel Did Next. Jeff Charles You Won’t Believe Why This Border Agent Was Just Arrested Madeline Leesman Trending on Townhall Videos Advertisement Trending on Townhall Media 1 Tom Hanks Faces Brutal Backlash from Trump Supporters After Mocking Them in SNL Sketch 2 What the Hell Is Wrong With CBS News? 3 More CNN #Sadz: Frank Luntz Says Clinton Voters Who Flipped to Trump 'Lovin' It' Advertisement Most Popular Jack Smith Discloses Eyebrow-Raising Gift Speaker Johnson: Elon ‘Cracked the Code’ To Beat Deep State Elon Musk Exposes Shocking Discovery: Millions in Social Security Database Listed as 100-159 Years Old A Top Hamas Terrorist Was Plotting to Kill Jews in Europe. Here's What Israel Did Next. Tom Hanks Faces Brutal Backlash from Trump Supporters After Mocking Them in SNL Sketch Sarah Arnold Advertisement
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