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Did A Democrat Congressman Really Just Ask The Postmaster General This Question?

AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson

During a Monday hearing by the House Oversight Committee over Democrats' conspiratorial accusations of malfeasance by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, one congressman stood out with a particularly absurd question.


"Do your mail delays fit Trump's campaign goal of hurting the Post Office, as stated in his Tweets?" Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) asked. "Are your mail delays implicit contributions?"

Louis DeJoy, already subjected to an hours-long hearing by a Senate committee last week, was clearly flustered by the partisan question and said he wasn't going to participate in questions about the president's tweets. 

"I'm not going to answer these types of questions," DeJoy said, explaining he was there only to explain questions regarding problems with the USPS.

"Am I the only one in this room who understands that we [the USPS] have a $10 billion a year loss?" DeJoy said, rebuking the House Democrats' campaign to blame problems with the USPS on the president. DeJoy went on to ask whether he was the only person present in the hearing who was concerned about reports from the Office of the Inspector General that were stacking up. 


Unfazed, Cooper talked over DeJoy's responses and asked whether DeJoy would be willing to share past communications between himself and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. 

"Go ahead," DeJoy said, clearly losing patience with Cooper. The Tennessee Democrat then took a turn into the absurd. 

"Mr. DeJoy, is your back-up plan to be pardoned like Roger Stone?" Cooper asked. 

The sparsely attended hearing room audibly murmured in discomfort and groans over Cooper's rhetoric and baiting line of questioning. One committee congressman even said off-screen that the question was "pitiful." DeJoy chuckled softly while he paused before answering. 

"You have two seconds to answer the question," Cooper said, in all seriousness. 

"I have no comment on that," DeJoy said, shaking his head. 

Soon after the line of questioning, Cooper logged on to Twitter to pronounce his successful interrogation. 


As Cortney reported earlier, DeJoy spent most of his time during the Monday House hearing attempting to correct the gross misinformation about the USPS that has been popular among leftist conspiracy theorists in recent weeks. 

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