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Watch: Irate Japanese Official Suggests a New Name for WHO

Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP

The international community has plenty justification for hating China at the moment. There are now almost 1 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus globally, with almost 50,000 people having died from the disease that originated in Wuhan, China. To make matters worse, China has been bending over backwards to cover up the role they played in this whole deadly mess.


Several major sporting events were also forced to be canceled as a result of the pandemic, the most significant being the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, which were recently postponed until summer 2021. 

This week Japanese deputy prime minister Taro Aso leveled his criticism at not only China, but the World Health Organization for taking them at their word.

"Although the details are murky, the WHO's previous director general was a Chinese national, and at the time there were complaints all around," Aso noted in the Japan Parliament this week.

Aso was talking about former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, who served from 2007 to 2017. But, he added the current director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was no better. Since the introduction of the deadly coronavirus, Ghebreyesus has given in to China's "spin." In January, for example, WHO appeared to unquestionably accept China's narrative.


We were likewise skeptical by China's insistence that there have been no more COVID-19 cases in Wuhan for over a week. Local residents quickly upended that claim. 

"People think the World Health Organization should change its name," Aso told Japanese lawmakers. "It shouldn't be called the WHO. It should be renamed the CHO. This appeal is truly resonating with the people."

As we all knew, but was confirmed by U.S. intelligence this week, China lied and people died.

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