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NYT Reporter Is Writing an 'Expose Christian Schools' Report. Here's What He's Found So Far.

AP Photo/David J. Phillip

The New York Times's Dan Levin told Twitter on Thursday that he was writing a piece based on the hashtag #exposeChristianschools. He shared his prompt just a few days after the outrage over a group of Covington Catholic high school students and whether they taunted a group of Native American veterans. Further video footage suggested otherwise.


Some people predicted Levin's final story would be a hit job on religious institutions. But, if there were those who tweeted back at him with negative experiences, they appeared to be few and far between. The majority of responses Levin received were from people eager to share how their Christian education shaped them for the better.

Others guessed that Levin already has his narrative and would probably scroll right by their messages, so why bother?


That's when the New York Times contributor explained that he didn't create the #exposeChristianschools hashtag. He was just writing a report on it and was happy to hear from everyone.

If you look on his Twitter page, Levin has been retweeting many of the positive reports he's received. Let's hope a good many of those actually end up in his piece.

Or, as someone suggested, perhaps Levin should abandon his original prompt for a much better one. 

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