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ICYMI: An NBC Reporter Accused Trump of Using Baby Charlie for Politics

Americans watched in horror as a British hospital under the National Health Service, refused to allow desperate parents to transfer their dying child to the United States for care. The hospital removed Charlie Gard from a life support machine against his parents' wishes. He is suffering from mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, an extremely rare illness. 


After a confusing message from  the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, in which they seemed to side with the British hospital's life ending decision, Pope Francis was compelled to put out his own statement about Baby Charlie, reiterating the need to protect life at all costs.

President Trump also weighed in on Twitter, telling Charlie's parents that the U.S. is ready to help any way we can.

Only liberal media outlets could construe that as selfish. Remarking on Trump's message, NBC anchor Matt Bradley interpreted it as political theater.

So you can either – depending on your view of President Trump – you can either see this as the President weighing in to help a very sick child and his parents, or a president who’s using a very sick child and his parents as political props to appear as though he’s actually helping, when in reality it would take extraordinary intervention on behalf of the President to go in the face of multiple high courts here in Britain and the European Court of Human Rights. (Newsbusters)


Of course, perhaps we should be pleased they are reporting on it at all. In a study about the mainstream media's coverage of President Trump, the overwhelming amount has been negative. Any potential coverage on Trump's message to Charlie Gard's parents has been overshadowed by an obsessive amount of reporting on that now infamous WWE gif.

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