Actor Ashton Kutcher is normally found on the big screen, but he was on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, to speak about a very important cause: ending child sex trafficking and modern-day slavery. In a very emotional testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kutcher described the horrors that trafficked children go through, and said that he considers this work to be his real "day job."
Watch part of his testimony here:
Kutcher is the co-founder of Thorn, a foundation he started with his ex-wife, Demi Moore, that seeks to stop child sex trafficking. He's also the father of two children with his current wife, Mila Kunis, and during his testimony he spoke about how he'd watched videos of girls the same age of his daughter being abused.
I had no idea that Kutcher was so dedicated to a cause that is sadly so often swept under the rug, and his work is truly inspiring. While it's easy to typecast Hollywood actors and actresses as beautiful, vapid people, it's important to remember that oftentimes people are far more complex than they may appear. Child sex trafficking and modern-day slavery are huge problems that people don't know much about, and kudos to Kutcher for lending his star-power to draw attention to something so important.
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