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#TurnTexasBlue Trends on Twitter as Progressives Misdirect Blame at Abbott

AP Photo/David J. Phillip

Texas’ electrical grid could fail again, and the woke crowd has taken to Twitter to use the state's power woes to call for a Democrat takeover of the Lone Star State leading the phrase “Turn Texas Blue” to trend on Twitter Tuesday.


The mess all began on Monday afternoon when ERCOT—the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which is responsible for supplying power to more than 25 million Texans—issued a “conservation alert” and called upon its consumers to reduce their power usage.

Quite predictably, ERCOT’s announcement was met with intense backlash on Twitter, especially as the memory of February’s winter storm remains fresh in the minds of many Texans.

Some users placed blame on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who tweeted last week that “Everything that needed to be done was done to fix the power grid in Texas" by reforming ERCOT and start plans to prevent future energy crises. 


All the outrage from progressives against Governor Abbott is misguided, though. ERCOT is an independent system operator and, as a nonprofit corporation, has a CEO and Board of Directors who are responsible for keeping the lights on, not Abbott, although the Texas state legislature has an oversight role. The individual currently in charge, ERCOT CEO Brad Jones, only came into his position last month after his predecessor, Bill Magness, was terminated for failing to notify state officials about possible blackouts during February’s winter storm. 

What's more, most of the people blaming Abbott and calling for a movement to #TurnTexasBlue are proponents of more unreliable green energy sources, which have not yet developed—at least not in Texas—to the point of being as dependable as fossil fuels. During the February power grid failure, the extreme cold disproportionately impacted renewable sources such as wind and solar.

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