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Request for the NRCC

Here is an indispensable guide for all Republicans running for the House and Senate this year: It's David Hogberg's invaluable checklist of 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Your Freedoms.

It's quite a read, and something anyone serious about public office should know. 

But it's not enough, especially for those running in districts where many voters will be amenable to the message that the Democrats will be selling, which -- as of today -- will be that the Republicans are trying to "take away your health care."

Two documents would be of enormous use, coming from the NRCC or any Republican policy conference:

(1) A simple, straightforward explanation of how the GOP/Ryan plan accomplishes many of the same worthy goals as the ObamaCare plan -- but without the expense and loss of freedom.  It would be helpful for those making the "repeal and replace" arguments.

(2) A list of the promises the President has made about the benefits that will accrue as the result of the plan -- start with the one about each family saving $2500 per year in health care costs.

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