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University Won't Refund Tuition After Dismissing Students for Not Social Distancing

Rattankun Thongbun/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Everyone knows college is a scam nowadays, but students at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts are really getting swindled.

Eleven first-year students at Northeastern University who were recently dismissed for violating social distancing rules will not receive a refund on their $36,500-semester tuition, the Boston Globe reported. If the university had to refund every student who wasn't going to learn anything, how would they ever stay afloat? 


(Via The Hill)

The students were found at the Westin Hotel on Wednesday evening not wearing face coverings and flouting social distancing protocols, university spokeswoman Renata Nyul told the Globe.

They will not be permitted to take classes online this fall but will be allowed to return in the spring.

The students were part of a one-semester program for freshmen that was purchased in advance for $36,500, and their tuition will not be refunded.

Northeastern said students who were dismissed would have the right to contest their dismissals at an expedited hearing. ...

The university said students were reminded on multiple occasions this week to follow pandemic protocols and were required to acknowledge reviewing the student handbook, which listed all of the required procedures.

Of course, the real shocking news is that parents are coughing up $36,500 a semester for a college education these days. Surely we can find Marxist professors who are willing to indoctrinate students for cheaper. 

Northeastern has gone full-on 1984 in its response to the Wuhan coronavirus. Beth wrote for VIP earlier about a poll conducted by an incoming freshman student that found 115 of the 640 students surveyed planned on attending off-campus parties once the semester began. When Northeastern learned about the poll, officials contacted the student running the poll and demanded a list of names of those students who planned on partying. The university then contacted the students and threatened to rescind their admission offers unless the students signed a pledge not to party. 


"You have displayed a disregard for health and safety measures, jeopardized our chances to keep our community safe, and increased the possibility that you and others—including your classmates—might not be able to complete the semester," the officials wrote in their angry letter to students.

On the bright side, if the 11 dismissed students at Northeastern decide to attend community college, acquire on the job training, take an apprenticeship program or join the military, they could save over a quarter-million dollars by skipping seven more semesters.

Now that's a reason to throw a party.

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