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USPS Whistleblower in Michigan Claims Higher-Ups Were Engaging in Voter Fraud; UPDATE: Investigation Launched?

AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes


According to James O'Keefe, the Office of the Inspector General for the USPS is investigating.



A United States Postal Service worker on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud. 

"We were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, just outgoing mail in general, separate them at the end of the day so that they could hand stamp them with the previous day's date," the whistleblower stated. "Today is November 4th for clarification."

Michigan Courts ruled that ballots had to be received by the election clerk before the polls on Election Day, which would mean 8 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

According to the whistleblower, the ballots are in "express bags" so they could be sent to the USPS distribution center. 

"In regards to a hamper, there's a standard hamper that all letter mail is supposed to go to and they had a tub next to it that we were supposed to put any ballots collected today into," the carrier stated.


The postal worker said they decided to come forward because things appeared "sketchy" and they didn't like the corruption, even though he or she is afraid of potential retaliation. The person said they want other postal workers who see similar things to come forward.

"How are we supposed to have any integrity in this county if we are just going to let things slide based on a scaling issue?" the whistleblower asked rhetorically.

When Project Veritas' James O'Keefe reached out to the supervisor, Johnathan Clarke, he was hung up on.

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