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WATCH: Richmond Does a Tailspin Attempting to Defend Biden's No-Answer Stance on Court Packing

One of Joe Biden's campaign co-chairs, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), on Sunday said it's a "distraction" to ask where the former vice president stands on packing the Supreme Court. According to Richmond, the question is nothing but a "hypothetical."


"He said this was an answer he'd give after the election. This is a big issue so can you clarify, first of all, what is the answer? Does he support expanding the Supreme Court?" ABC News' Jon Karl asked.

"Well, one, that's a better question for me. I'm in Congress. It would take legislation from the United States Congress and the United States Senate to do it but that Joe Biden and Sen. Harris are very clear that it is a distraction. We should not be talking about a hypothetical court-packing once this nominee is confirmed," Richmond explained. "When we're talking about packing we're talking about all the judges that he's packing on the court right now."

"He's urging the Senate to go in and spend every waking moment to confirm this judge as opposed to, with 23 days left before an election, as opposed to passing a coronavirus economic relief bill for those who can't pay their bills right now. And he packed the appellate court, the circuit court, with 50 judges, but I bet he didn't mention that to black or brown people at his White House event yesterday," the congressman stated.


According to Richmond, the minorities that were at the White House rally are unaware of the fact that none of the 50 judges are black or brown.

"So when you talk about court packing, that's what they're doing but to answer that question would be a distraction," the campaign co-chair stated.

When Karl followed up and asked if Richmond supported packing the court, he, once again, said it would be a "distraction" to answer the question.

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