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Omar Has Another Far-Fetched Opinion About Trump's Take On Minorities And Muslims

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

President Donald Trump has had an ongoing feud with members of "The Squad," made up for Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlabid (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). On Friday evening, Omar, once again, responded to President Trump's claim that if "The Squad" doesn't like living in America, they are more than welcome to leave.


Omar interpreted that as Trump wanting every black and brown person in America to be deported and for Muslims to be banned.

Trump responded to Omar and other members of her posse on Sunday morning, reiterating his position:

Trump never said he wanted all people of color to be deported or for Muslims to be banned in America. That is Omar's interpretation of things and, quite honestly, they're worthy of an eye roll or two. 


Trump brought up something most Americans feel: patriotism is dead and it's a disgrace to our country. We live in the greatest country in the world and yet we should be embarrassed for wanting to stand up to defend our nation, our values and our vested interest? For too long, America has become the world's beacon of hope, the place where everyone seeks refuge and yet we let the very people who wanted to come here trash our country. Omar is a prime example of that. 

Having respect for our nation and saying we want people who love and value our country isn't racist. It's called protecting our national security.

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