Results for: asleep during debate with trump

BREAKING: After Stunts and Watching Golf, Judiciary Democrats Send Impeachment to the Full House…ng-golf-democrats-pass-impeachment-out-of-committee-n2557958
– Committee voted Friday morning to approve two articles of impeachment against President Trump. … Before the vote, President Trump weighed in.  … During deliberation and debate yesterday, Democrats were caught watching golf and Chairman Nadler fell asleep. …
'It's 3am': Chip Roy Releases Chilling Ad on the Need to Use the 25th Amendment
– As a child is asleep in bed, a phone rings. "It's 3am, and your children are safe and asleep. … Thursday's debate against former and potentially future President Donald Trump. … Let's have an early debate, see how he performs.' He didn't perform.…
CNN's Tapper: Gee, Obama Was Asleep At The Switch With This Russian Interference, Right?…little-asleep-at-the-switch-with-this-russian-inte-n2500217
– campaign colluded with the Kremlin. … The Left bashes Trump on Russia, but they’re the ones who thought they weren’t so bad. … So, I give them a C on that, and I think historians are going to debate this for a long time.…
The Associated Press' Article Defending Biden Blows Up in Their Faces Spectacularly…serious-with-this-piece-about-bidens-mental-health-n2641382
– Did The Associated Press fall asleep for a week? … Were they even present for last Thursday night’s debate where Donald Trump wiped the floor with Joe Biden? … Biden is reportedly only semi-conscious between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., had nap time during debate preparations at Camp David, and was…
Al Franken, Groping 'Giant of the Senate'
Trump was only proved to have talked about groping. He wasn't photographed doing it. … I'm not going to let my kids watch the debate tonight." … Will this scandal end with Roy Moore and Al Franken both losing a seat in the Senate?…
Notes From the Democrats' Debate
– Fighting off the temptation to fall asleep during the most recent Democratic -- and Donald Trump-less -- debate, I wrote these thoughts … I end with my opinion about who won the debate -- and who lost. No fair cheating and going right to the end. … Who won the debate? Obama.…
Will Echoes Of Hillary Clinton's Awful Coal Remarks Sink Democrats In Virginia’s Governor’s Race?…tons-awful-coal-remarks-sink-democrats-in-virginias-n2395968
– He was asleep at the switch, why trust him with our tax dollars? … These voters, along with their brothers and sisters in West Virginia, have not forgotten what Clinton said during the 2016 Democratic … @vademocrats seem to have dropped you from their lit with 3 wks to go.…
Republicans Trump the Civil Rights Idol/Race Card
– Since when has a Republican promoted the Democratic opposition during a general election? … Newsflash, Johnny: Hillary Clinton destroyed her own candidacy with her repeated lies, theft, and deceit, along with the true reporting … Donald Trump flaunted the major networks and overcame their race-baiting.…
Obama: Let's Face It, Republicans Who Oppose Illegal Immigration Are Racists…who-are-spun-up-about-the-border-crisis-are-racists-n2613672
– Far from adopting a statesmanlike, above-the-partisan-fray approach to his post-presidency, Obama has waded back into the mix with … - then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse...""...If the right of free and open debate is taken away … Also, has Obama been asleep for the last few years?  …
Some Advice for Trump Ahead of the Debate
–  Trump being Trump, he will not admit either of these things.  It's an entirely fair topic to raise with him. … Reagan asked voters during a televised debate. The answer for a large majority of the electorate was 'no.' …  This is another area that threatens to derail any messaging goals that Trump may have heading into the debate.…
Liberal Reporter: I'm Really Not Sold Fake Password Reset Emails From Russia Is A Hack...Or An Attack…ot-sold-fake-password-reset-emails-from-russia-is-a-n2500656
– Apparently, we’re at war with Russia…in the minds of liberals. … We all know she lost because she was a weak candidate, with appalling character numbers (i.e. she’s not trustworthy), topped with no … If Russian election meddling is on par with the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks, then should the U.S. response be on par with its response…