Results for: Barack Obama Website

Confusing Facts & Opinions
– The Pew website lets anyone take a quiz featuring 10 statements, five that are true-or-false factual statements and five that are opinion … Such as this one that's still driving conspiracy nuts crazy: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States.'…
Fake Versions of The Washington Post Are Floating Around D.C.…ions-of-the-washington-post-are-floating-around-d-c-n2539165
– The website eventually went dark late Wednesday. … That fake edition, which came out after the election of President Barack Obama, had stories depicting liberal activists putting pressure … (@adrienneshih) January 16, 2019 Democracy Action included a digital version of the newspaper on their website.…
If the Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?
– said Barack Obama. Well, Assad is still there -- and Obama is gone. Will the same be said of Maduro? Patrick J. … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
The 2020 Democrats: Elizabeth Warren
– here* Quick Facts Who: Elizabeth Warren Where: Oklahoma City, OK Current Position: Massachusetts senator since 2013 Campaign Website … Warren was named Assistant to the President by Barack Obama in 2010 as well as Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on…
Who Are We?
Barack Obama used this loaded, moralizing device, “That’s not who we are,” in so many hectoring speeches that David Rutz at the Washington … (Well, maybe Obama got that right.) … Gosnell’s practices has been removed from the City of Philadelphia’s website, where it apparently once resided, but no longer.…
Media and Money
– She has also been seeking to represent noncitizens, as evidenced by her website, which states, "I do mean everyone who resides in our … During her campaign, Abrams brought in national Democratic figures, including former President Barack Obama, Sen. … Abrams attempted to walk back her comments, but her campaign website made it clear she would represent anyone who lived in Georgia,…
The Silence of the Shepherd
– In beautiful Catholic tradition, the benefactress requested anonymity (and remains anonymous on the school’s website), but her remarkable … According to a fairly obscure website, Vatican News, Pope Francis’ “exhortations” on the topic consisted of anodyne comments made in … adolescent-raping (of 11 and 13-year old boys) priest, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – the prelate so beloved by Bill Clinton and Barack
Getting Easier To Be 'Green'
– story was published, writes CNBC, the FAQ page with the phrase 'farting cows' appeared to have been removed from Ocasio-Cortez's website … In the words of Barack Obama, they do plan to "fundamentally transform the United States of America."…
Dems' Deceit and Moral Bankruptcy on Abortion
– I am old enough to remember when Barack Obama, in the 2008 presidential campaign, vehemently denied that he had supported infanticide … In 2003, Obama voted against another version of the bill. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
The Chesa Boudin Inflection Point in the Fight for Civilizational Sanity…ection-point-in-the-fight-for-civilizational-sanity-n2608529
– - the onetime Weather Underground leader, domestic terrorist kingpin and erstwhile comrade of another famous Hyde Park denizen, BarackObama. … out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Roe v. Wade Is Dead. Planned Parenthood Reacts Just As You’d Expect.…dead-planned-parenthood-reacts-just-as-youd-expect-n2609279
– In a series of tweets, Planned Parenthood urged women seeking an abortion to go to a website that directs women to abortion clinics … She tweeted the same link directing women to an abortion clinic locator website. … Obama shared his thoughts on the matter on Twitter.…
Hillary Clinton Lied Again. This Time, Her Lies Will Be Exposed…inton-lied-again-this-time-her-lies-will-be-exposed-n2609869
– The book declares the two created "a special circle of Clinton hell ... for people who had endorsed (Barack) Obama." … more about Armstrong Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Resign, Joe
– Even the New York Times, which for former Biden boss Barack Obama functioned as Democratic Party Pravda, ran a recent piece entitled … out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
You’ve Got to Be Kidding—Michelle Obama in 2024?
– Michelle Obama may be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2024. … Gilbert’s movie can be accessed on-demand at SalemNOW and be sure to check out its website and the trailer. … Michelle Obama is a slick political operator, notwithstanding missteps she has made in the past.…
The New Age of Orwellianism
– Alinsky, whose work profoundly influenced at least one notable fellow Chicagoan, Barack Obama, was in that quip channeling George Orwell's … out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Shocker: The 'Experts' Who Declare Recessions Are Democrat Megadonors…ts-trusted-to-declare-recessions-are-dem-megadonors-n2610826
Obama in 2008$750 to Elizabeth Warren in 2012$1,000 to Hillary Clinton in 2016$250 to DNC Services Corp. in 2008$750 to Barack ObamaObama in 2011$500 to Tim Kaine in 2011$1,000 to Tim Kaine in 2012$744 to Barack Obama in 2012$1,100 to Tim Kaine in 2016$3,000 to … Obama in 2008$1,000 to Hillary Clinton in 2016$500 to Barack Obama in 2007$500 to Elizabeth Warren in 2012$250 to Elizabeth Warren…
DOUBLING DOWN: Joe Biden Peddles Administration's Talking Points on Not Seeing a Recession
– week, he and Cecile Rouse, who chairs the council, promoted a different definition in a blog post published to the White House website … from Larry Summers, who held Yellen's position under President Bill Clinton and who served as an economic adviser to President BarackObama.…
A Classic Anti-Trump Frenzy
– In a post on the Lawfare website, Jack Goldsmith, the Harvard law professor and former George W. … Goldsmith then quoted former President Barack Obama, who, in April 2016, at the height of the Hillary Clinton email affair, in which … Obama was criticized for those remarks, Goldsmith noted, "yet there is truth in what Obama says."…
American Stasi
– Epstein-connected ex-defense attorney who just so happened to donate thousands of dollars in 2008 to then-presidential candidate BarackObama. … out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Why Biden's Pick to Oversee Billions in Climate Funds Raises Red Flags
– In addition to his time in the Obama administration, Mr. … Obama, his third trip into the White House is by comparison somewhat triumphant. … The company's website touts its work on solar technology.   Conservatives were highly skeptical of the appointment. …
Stimulus Slush Fund for Housing Entitlement Thugs
– ACORN, you may recall, is the left-wing activist group with longtime ties to community organizer-turned-President Barack Obama. … Department of Treasury website.…
Opposing President Unity
Barack Obama has only been in office one week, but he has already provided plenty of ammunition for his opponents on the right. … But President Obama could not bring himself to do that, even as he called on the country to unite. … Such attacks on Barack Obama from the media have been (and most likely will continue to be) nonexistent.…
Change We Never Imagined
– (Sorry to burst the Barack bandwagon bubble, but I say it like I see it.)  … Obama recently said, "I don't want to pit Red America against Blue America. … Well, radical change in the form of Barack Obama has certainly come to Washington. …
The New Era of Responsibility
– I keep waiting for that moment when Barack Obama -- President Obama -- tells the American people that there is a price to be paid … About an hour after the inauguration, I went to the new website. … Only a few months ago, Obama was proposing a $60 billion-stimulus package.…
Robinson is Also Not Wright for America
– First it was Barack Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright. Now it’s Episcopalian bishop Gene Robinson. … home and abroad, against refugees and immigrants, women, people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people….Help him [ObamaObama should not have selected the man responsible for dividing the Anglican church to give a religious invocation at the supposedly…
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