Results for: cardin

Rex Tillerson’s Tax Returns at Center of Committee Battle
– Ben Cardin, is wanting to see Tillerson’s tax returns. … Cardin is hunting for ties between Tillerson and the Russian government. … Cardin will have his request granted.…
Why Environmentalists Should Embrace Oil Company Engineer for Secretary of State…embrace-oil-company-engineer-for-secretary-of-state-n2269517
– He recently assured Democratic United States Senator Ben Cardin that he supports an international climate agreement.…
When Democrats Embraced the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy'…crats-embraced-the-southern-border-fencing-strategy-n2538334
– in the Senate today who was there for that 2013 vote -- Schumer, Durbin, Murray, Baldwin, Bennet, Blumenthal, Brown, Cantwell, Cardin
Will Jewish Democrats Sink Iran Deal?
– Ben Cardin and Rep. Ted Deutch -- are all Democrats. … But here's the kicker that Schumer, Cardin and others will want to bear in mind: The American Jewish world is changing very fast.…
Brutal: Tom Cotton Grills Kerry on Iran Deal
– makes the most of his frustratingly limited time, zeroing in on a handful of key points: (1) Cotton makes clear that the Corker/Cardin
Nanny State Gone Wild: Defining Dependency Up
– Ben Cardin and Tom Harkin both specifically championed the unfunded mandate in their floor statements.…