Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Here's Who's Hosting the First 2020 Democratic Primary Debate
– The Democratic National Committee is seeking to avoid the disaster that was the 2016 Democratic presidential primary. … Voters booed Democratic leadership for essentially silencing their preferred candidates. … It was revealed on Thursday that NBC News, MSNBC and Telemundo will be hosting the first Democratic presidential primary debate in…
Why Are Leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Endorsing 'the Green Dream, or Whatever They Call It'?…endorsing-the-green-dream-or-whatever-they-call-it-n2541516
– Edward Markey, has left the several Democratic presidential candidates who rushed to endorse it. … If you had any doubt, this week, California's new Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, announced he was ditching his predecessor Jerry … So why have presidential candidates Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren endorsed this…
Democratic Party Announces Plans For First Two 2020 Presidential Debates…ounce-plans-for-first-two-2020-presidential-debates-n2541533
– The Democratic National Committee on Thursday announced the plans for their first two presidential debates. … Both debates will take place this summer and have enough stage space to accommodate up to 20 candidates.  … candidates" appearing on the outside, like what the Republicans did during the 2016 election.…
And There It Is: People Are Saying Biden Is 95 Percent Sure About Running In The 2020 Election…aying-biden-is-95-percent-sure-about-running-in-the-n2541507
– And those who have it are either too inexperienced, too left wing, or aren’t seen as legitimate presidential contenders. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden are the only three candidates that have national constituencies. … Candidates who have jumped into the race trailed both Biden and Sanders: Sen.…
Ignorance First, Destruction Next
– The current slate of Democratic policy proposals are shocking in a number of ways, but one thing that stands out is the staggering … There was a time when the national press would call out political candidates and office holders if they displayed abject stupidity. … New Jersey Sen. and Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker states that the planet cannot sustain a population that eats meat.…
Trump Can't Win in 2020, But Democrats Could Lose
– It's stunningly sad that both major parties nominated candidates disliked by most Americans on Election Day. … Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) provided an early example of the dangers facing the Democratic Party on the topic of health care. … Most Democratic presidential hopefuls have signed on to the plan, but voters have not.…
Sigh: Time to Rebut Kamala Harris' Ignorant Falsehood That Lower Tax Refunds Equal Higher Taxes
– California Senator and left-wing presidential candidate Kamala Harris is lying about the new tax law, which she -- and every Democrat … Rich Lowry's observation about the 2020 Democratic liar-in-chief sweepstakes is spot on: Kamala Harris is taking an early lead in the … most dishonest Democratic tweeter primary; other candidates will have to work hard to catch up — Rich Lowry…
Green New Deal Is a Raw Deal for Democrats
– The far Left is taking over the Democratic Party, creating a potential repeat of their landslide defeat in the 1972 presidential election … Presidential candidates in the Democratic Party are also lining up in support of it, including prominent Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA … History repeats itself as Democrats implode on the eve of a presidential election year.…
Trump Tax Returns: Dems Ready For Ultimate Fishing Expedition…returns-dems-ready-for-ultimate-fishing-expedition-n2541385
– Tammy Baldwin, who is a sponsor of the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, which would require presidents and presidential candidatesDemocratic Rep. Maxine Waters, chair of the Financial Services Committee, was the most blunt. … Democratic Rep.…
One Cheer for Kamala's Cannabis Candor: The Presidential Contender Is a Johnny-Come-Lately on Legalization, but She Is Right About the Importance of Fun…zation-but-she-is-right-about-the-importance-of-fun-n2541382
presidential nomination. … Fifteen years ago, several Democratic presidential contenders, including both of the men who ended up on the 2004 ticket, readily admitted … That simple observation marks a departure from candidates like George W.…
Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?
candidates for president. … Perhaps progressive Democratic candidates will set an example by not flying, and then by voting to end production of private aircraft … The only explanation for the endorsement of the Green New Deal by candidates with a prospect of winning the Democratic nomination is…
Getting Easier To Be 'Green'
– Several Democratic presidential candidates support the "Green New Deal, though it reeks of communism.…
Fail: NBC News Reporter Peddled Straight Nonsense About Female Presidential Candidates…aight-nonsense-about-female-presidential-candidates-n2541172
– Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina and Jill Stein all ran for presidential last cycle.  … What I should have written is that the field of Democratic women presidential candidates is the largest in history.…
Analyzing the Green New Deal
Democratic presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand have been falling over themselves…
More Democrats Enter a Race They Will Lose
– Another day, another Democrat presidential candidate entered the crowded race. Sen. … Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced her presidential bid on Sunday, while Sen. … There will be a historic number of candidates because the Democrats truly hate President Donald Trump and believe he is very likely…
Caught In A Bind: A Cold Amy Klobuchar Announces 2020 Campaign In Blizzard…d-amy-klobuchar-announces-2020-campaign-in-blizzard-n2541131
– Amy Klobuchar officially added her name to the growing list of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, announcing her campaign in … Klobuchar, like many of her Democratic colleagues, called for unison and bipartisan approaches for federal governance in her speech … Amy Klobuchar’s (D-Minn.) nascent 2020 presidential campaign — and done so in part because of Klobuchar’s history of mistreating her…
No, Bernie Won't Be Asking Hillary for Advice in 2020. He Explained Why on 'The View.'…e-doesnt-think-hell-reach-out-to-hillary-for-advice-n2542454
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) may still have a bitter taste in his mouth from the 2016 presidential election. … Judging by the unfair debate schedule offered by the Democratic National Committee, the party appeared to favor Hillary Clinton in … candidates have been meeting with Clinton as they kickstart their campaigns and wondered if Sanders would do the same.…
Another Democrat Joins Presidential Field
– Jay Inslee will join the already-crowded field of Democratic candidates for president, he announced Friday. … Inslee argues that no presidential candidate has hinged a campaign as heavily on climate and environmental policy as he will.…
Democrats Are Getting Out on a Dangerously Left-Wing Limb…rats-are-getting-out-on-a-dangerously-leftwing-limb-n2542420
– Despite this, Democratic presidential candidates have been going out on potentially shaky left-wing limbs, including the Green New … But all six Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate voted against Sen. Ben Sasse's bill to ban ninth-month abortions. … Democratic presidential candidates, perhaps isolated in liberal cocoons, don't seem to understand their vulnerability on issues like…
2020 Prediction: Wooly and Wild
– Look instead for Trump to shape the Democratic primary, with over a dozen declared candidates already. … Now, on the Democratic side, many candidates are following the lead of Sen. … Watch for more Democratic candidates to eschew large donors and super PACs. However, money is not what it used to be.…
Former Clinton Staffers Highlight Hypocrisy of Sanders's Private Jet Use. Here's How His Ex-staffers Responded.
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) loves to denounce fossil fuels, but in a crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates he’s going to have … According to a Politico report, the Democratic socialist “repeatedly requested and received the use of a carbon-spewing private jet…
The Democratic Party’s Existential Identity Crisis
– Let’s start with a quick overview of where the Democratic Party is today. … cycle, but the Democratic Party’s current identity crisis goes much deeper. … The real danger in candidates taking such squishy stands is that the policy vacuum stays unfilled, leaving the Democratic Party itself…
Radicals: New Polls Expose Democrats' Fringe Stances on Abortion, Race-Based Affirmative Action…ats-fringe-extremism-on-abortion-affirmative-action-n2542170
– Two new nationwide surveys should serve as warning signs for the leftward-lurching Democratic Party, whose extremism is often underplayed … What is more clear than ever is that the emerging Democratic position -- abortion on demand throughout all stages of pregnancy -- is … presidential candidates even endorsing some form of race-based reparations schemes.  …
All 6 Democratic Presidential Candidates Vote for Infanticide…cratic-presidential-candidates-vote-for-infanticide-n2542247
– On February 25, 44 Democrat senators, including all 6 declared presidential candidates, voted against the Born Alive Protection Act … As reported on the National Review, “All six of the Democratic senators currently running for the 2020 presidential nomination voted … In short, 44 Democrats, along with Bernie Sanders, including all declared presidential candidates, cast their vote for infanticide.…
Left's Latest Demand: Race-Based Reparations
– ," free college tuition and a Green New Deal that would mandate an early end of all oil, gas and coal-fired power plants, the DemocraticPresidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both called last week for race-based reparations for slavery. … How far and fast has the Democratic Party lunged leftward?…
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