Results for: Barack Obama Website

Dems' New Talking Point on the Trump Economy: Obama Built It…w-talking-point-on-the-trump-economy-obama-built-it-n2561241
Obama administration. … Are Biden and the Democrats right about the Obama economy? … Obama dealt with a severe economic downturn, as did President Ronald Reagan.…
Where Things Stand After the Las Vegas Debate
– As Biden slips away, it's important to remember that Barack Obama could have helped him at any point -- but refused. … Biden was never treated very well by Team Obama, a pattern that's continuing now. … Obama clearly doesn't think Biden's up to the job, and based on his performance to date, it's hard to disagree.…
The Democrats' Predicament
– But given that all income groups are improving and race relations are better than under former President Barack Obama, Democrats will … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Is This How Europe Ends?
Barack Obama was persuaded to overthrow Colonel Moammar Gadhafi in Libya and the Assad regime in Damascus. … Obama ordered U.S. forces to assist Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in his war to crush Houthi rebels who had ousted Riyadh's … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
The Sudden Crash of Chris Matthews
– In this campaign, it seemed Matthews was still carrying on his great political love affair with Barack Obama, and his vice president … out more about Tim Graham, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Please, Not 'Shovel-Ready' Projects Again!
– It was fitting because Obama had in mind a supersized New Deal. The promises were alluring. … Obama told us that the money would be spent quickly on vital "shovel-ready projects." … Obama recently tweeted that his policies set the table for the Trump boom of the last three years.…
Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. -- A Hollywood Pro-Trump Casualty?
– During that interview, he harshly criticized President Barack Obama, adding that, in his opinion, he considered Obama "a Muslim." … Even among many of his supporters and allies, less than half now say Obama is a Christian. … Obama is a Muslim, former Secretary of State Gen.…
Rapper Ice Cube, Who Benefited From School Choice, Denounces Trump, Who Supports It…from-school-choice-denounces-trump-who-supports-it-n2565722
– To ensure that her son obtain a quality education, Barack Obama's mother sent Obama to live with his maternal grandparents in Hawaii … Obama attended the finest prep school in the state. … "Racist" Trump wants to give the children of urban parents the same thing Barack Obama, the former Michelle Robinson and Ice Cube exercised…
Press Briefings and Ego Bruising
– The NBC News website posted an article with this headline: "Trump, promoting unproven drug treatments, insults NBC reporter at coronavirus … grabbed Hastings by the arm and berated him for daring to ask about how he fundraised for a super PAC for the newly re-elected BarackObama.…
PBS and NPR Offer Journalism By Liberals for Liberals
Barack Obama's speech about toxic Rev. Jeremiah Wright. … Obama." … With Obama, he wasn't an interrogator but a facilitator.…
Media Prefer Hating Trump to Helping America
– MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle floated the idea during an interview with former Barack Obama staffer Jim Messina. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Why Whistleblowers are Progressives
– It should be no surprise to anyone that the federal whistleblower statute was passed during the second term of Barack Obama by a Democrat-controlled … They did not concern differences of opinion with the Obama White House. … There was no such disagreement during the Obama years.…
A Mugging of Uncle Joe
– His support of President Barack Obama's border policies that led to the deportation of hundreds of thousands seeking asylum and entry … Did he never object in the Obama Cabinet meetings to what was happening to these unfortunates being turned back, Biden was asked? … In closing Biden misidentified his website, "If you agree with me, go to Joe 3 0 3 3 0 and help me in this fight."…
Democrats, in Showing Their Extremism, Do Nation a Favor
– apparently so determined to knock front-runner Biden off his lofty perch that they attacked the policies of their idol, former President Obama … Scarborough said many Democrats were furious at these candidates for "trashing Barack Obama's legacy. ... Give me a break. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at …
Biden's Gaffes, Verbal Blunders Make Trump Look Like Churchill…ffes-verbal-blunders-make-trump-look-like-churchill-n2551701
Barack Obama reportedly said, "How many times is Biden going to say something stupid?" The answer is often. … (Obama) says, a three-letter word: jobs. … Barack America!" -- Biden, Aug. 23, 2008, at an Illinois campaign rally.…
Kamala Harris' Hypocrisy on Guns
– Kamala Harris weighs in on guns on her campaign website with the headline "Taking executive action if Republicans continue to cower … But pull up OpenSecrets, the website of the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in U.S. politics. … Kamala Harris may be drawing large crowds in Iowa, provoking some to think she might be filling Barack Obama's shoes.…
We Can't Go Back, Can We?
– They reacted viscerally as Republicans tried to roll back the gains they made under Barack Obama. … So are their home addresses (on their local tax assessor's website), but I bet they would be outraged if that information got circulated…
Robert Mueller Crushed Their Dreams, So Democrats Pivot to Race…ler-crushed-their-dreams-so-democrats-pivot-to-race-n2552007
Obama to the White House -- is absurd. … His website publishes a wide spectrum of politically diverse views. … They know that the Obama Justice Department tried mightily, but did not, could not find that Brown had been murdered.…
Stone-Age Democrats Are Crazy With the Heat
– You'd think his being on a first-name basis with Barack would clinch the nomination for him, but leftist Obama is no longer considered … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Did We Learn the Lesson of 9/11?
– The sepia glow of media coverage regarding Barack Obama hasn't been darkened by his single-minded quest to minimize American influence … After all, when John McCain said as much in 2008, he was roundly mocked by Barack Obama -- the same Obama who escalated the war in … out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Trump vs. Iran: How Did Trump Become the Villain?
– President Barack Obama's first secretary of defense, Robert Gates, described the deal as based on a "hope" that Gates considered "very … After he left the Obama administration, Gates said: "The pursuit of the agreement is based on the President's hope that over a 10-year … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
The Party of 'Impeach!'
– In 2008, Democrat Barack Obama received a greater percentage of the white vote than John Kerry did four years earlier. … Obama also received 95% of the black vote. None dared call it "blacklash." … In a Washington Post op-ed, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, said, "The (Obama) administration should brief members…
I Want to See Obama's Transcripts
– Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama still has never released his college transcripts. There's never been a single leak. … So what do you think Obama said during private, classified calls to Putin?  … C'mon, Obama. Show us your transcripts. I dare you. …
Hillary Clinton Pushes Trayvon Hoax Again
– Trayvon Martin, the young black man whose 2012 death at the hands of George Zimmerman in an act of self-defense was used to ignite Barack … It spawned, as the result of a deliberate plan on the part of the Obama administration, a national meme that “innocent, unarmed black … Gilbert states on his website, "No one has suffered more from The Trayvon Hoax then the black youth of America."…
Trump Is Right on Syria
– That future administration decision fell in Barack Obama’s lap. … When Obama decided to remove troops from Iraq, the GOP in Congress went wild and made political hay. … The homepage on their website says, “United Nations peacekeeping operations are a vital instrument employed by the international community…
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