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Obama Is Not King
– The fact that we are here to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure and our government's reckless fiscal … It took 42 presidents 224 years to run up only $1 trillion of foreign-held debt. … At least Congress mustered the two-thirds vote needed to override that one.I might not mind presidents behaving like kings -- if they…
Immigration proposal gets evangelical support
– "If Congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, I will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on … "If we're truly committed to strengthening our middle class and providing more ladders of opportunity to those who are willing to work … hard to make it into the middle class, we've got to fix the system.…
Oprah Hosts Obama's Mia Culpa 2020
– It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal … But when you were President you said that was "an example of a new senator making what is a political vote as opposed to doing what … You continued to say you were for "balancing the budget," but spending and the deficit went up every year.…
Israel: America's Model for Reducing Violent Crime (Part 1 of 2 on Reducing Violent Crime in the US)…ime-part-1-of-2-on-reducing-violent-crime-in-the-us-n1493899
– For example, Israel mandated armed guards at the entrances to all schools in 1995, and those guards are backed up by special police … escape while police race to the scene." … rally Washington to minimize the production and distribution of butcher knives or simply post a sign outside your front door like…
Once a Critic of Deficits, Obama Now Goes for Broke
– "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure," Obama said. … It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal … The budget deficit that headed from $248 billion to $160 billion in 2006 and 2007 shot up to $458 billion in 2008 and $1.4 trillion…
At Last, Republicans Make Their Case to Main Street
– conference committee to be reconciled. … Then both houses vote on the conference committee report. If it is approved, the president can sign or veto it. … Taxes were to go up by $4.5 trillion if the House didn't act.…
Newtown Chooses Good Guys with Guns
– Or, according to some, something has to be done whether such prevention is possible or not. … The vote, for now, only represents a request — it still needs to clear budget and logistical boundaries since the guards would come … Putting up a sign to say something is unlawful doesn’t stop criminals.…
Rubio's Risk
– Fischer adds "the solution Rubio is offering is the same one that created the mess we’re trying to clean up right now. … It’s impossible not to think of the reigning definition of insanity as you listen to Republicans gamely expect magical results to come … If getting something passed that a leftist President of the United States was willing to sign into law is Rubio's goal, then he was…
Pull the Plug on Hagel
– What if the nominee had also been the one U.S. senator who refused to sign a letter criticizing the former apartheid government of … Lest anyone think his animus is towards Israel -- not Jews -- consider that he is the only U.S. senator to have refused to sign a letter … The Senate will take up Hagel's nomination next week after Thursday's threatened filibuster delayed the vote.…
GOP is Erratic in its Confirmation Strategy
– How does a U.S. citizen tapped to lead the State Department not have to answer to U.S. senators for such treasonous behavior while … That includes Hillary Clinton when, in 2009, she came up for confirmation to be secretary of state. … by a party-line floor vote.…
20 Of the Greatest Moments In the History Of the Republican Party…test-moments-in-the-history-of-the-republican-party-n1520352
– victory in the Civil War and reunites the nation. 3) Women's right to vote (1872): Republicans Susan B. … FDR responded to Owens legendary victory by refusing to invite him to the White House, prompting Owens to say, "Hitler didn't snub … him a third time and he finally reluctantly agreed to fulfill has campaign promise and sign the bill. 18) A Republican Congress…
Is Scripture-Quoting a Sign that You’re Nuts?
– (Nor do I want to vote with my money by buying a ticket for it, saying, “Yes, Hollywood, make more Christian-bashing movies.”) … Charlie used to go to prisons six days a week for ministry, since he retired in 1964 until he died in 1994. … The other characters need to hold on to their wallets and get ready to defend themselves.…
Memo to Reince Priebus: It’s About Principles Not Process
– But he still had to give them a credible vision on issues they could vote for and not just against. … to buy it, you’ll never convince those initially skeptical to do so. … They also don’t care that you dressed your stink-brick up in pretty pastels, or that you said “pretty please” when you asked them to
Cue the Semi-Educated, Liberal Attacks on Easter as Pagan
– If you want to create jobs: 1)   Have Obama sign the order for the Keystone Pipeline. 2)   Get the Senate to vote, as the … If Cypriots keep voting for tax-borrow-and-spend politicians, then they shouldn't complain when they force them to pay up. … Pay up or shut up.…
Questions for RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
– · Why are you allowing the same consultants that led us to defeat in 2008 and 2012 to continue to bill the party for their hapless … · Why should we believe you finally mean it when you say we have to compete for the black and Hispanic vote, when all the same … · There is a reference to “gay Americans” in the report, but why no reference to reaching out to “evangelical Americans” or “Catholic…
Have We Lost America? Hell No!
– No one is rolling over and giving up on our right to live in conformity with our faith. … Yeah, the U.K. has fallen so far that its people are willing to give up their tradition of liberty in reliance upon the judgment of … Their ideas – which all seem to boil down to taking money from people who work to give it to losers who vote for Democrats – are played-out…
Swallowing Camels/Straining at Gnats
– That’s a pretty succinct way of describing our all-too-human tendency to commit huge mistakes in judgment while getting choked up on … HSLDA is asking us to sign a petition to the Obama White House to stop the cruel and unjust persecution of the Romeikes. … Therefore, we all need to rally to the Romeikes. Our own religious freedom depends upon it.…
Immigration Fight Stirs Debate Over Federal Benefits
– In 2004, in the Bush years, the feds even began a partnership with the Mexican government to encourage Mexicans to sign up for government … In the early hours of Saturday, March 23, during the so-called vote-a-rama on amendments to the budget, the Senate rejected, by a vote … "The result of [this] vote places immigration reform in jeopardy." That remains to be seen.…
Republicans: Yeah, We're Going to Try and Delay the ObamaCare Individual Mandate…g-to-try-and-delay-the-obamacare-individual-mandate-n1637856
– Regardless, in reaction to the employer mandate being "delayed," House Republicans are planning to vote on delaying the Obamacare mandate … While Republicans pointed to the delay as a sign of the broader problems with the law, they also questioned whether the delay would … It's only fair to delay the individual mandate in addition to the employer mandate.…
The Border Fence and Conservatives
– of condemnation to take the property, and you settle up later. … HH: It’s just going to be suspect, and I’m trying to sound the alarm to the House GOP that this will not fly. … is going to be the new secretary there, anything that they sign off on is completely suspect.…
Obamacare Battle Takes Bizarre Turn
– the individual mandate to purchase health insurance. … president can't just determine which laws he's going to follow and when he's going to follow them." … "We can make sure it doesn't get bottled up in committee," says one Senate GOP aide, "and then try to attach it to something on the…
Tossing Cold Water on That Georgia Senate Poll
– The 2010 cycle saw Republican Governor Nathan Deal swept into office with 53 percent of the vote, compared to 43 percent for former … turnout yield greater significance to the midterm totals. … A non-incumbent Democrat hasn’t won statewide since 1998 and the state hasn’t sent a Democrat to the U.S.…
Excuse me? GOP to blame for ObamaCare?
– Conservative activists dedicated to repeal have refused to shut up and lie down. … Also, the fact that activists won't give up may be annoying to supporters of the law, but just talk to any one of them and they'll … Indeed, the GOP governors who've declined to sign up for Medicaid expansion aren't obstructing the law; they're exercising their…
Political Parasites and Pop Culture
– Their focused now on how to win the Hispanic vote. Amnesty is key, they say. … Here’s a fun exercise: Click on some ad you see somewhere, or go to a webpage for a group that wants you to sign their petition to … Think “Knocked Up.” Hilarious movie that just so happens to be very pro-life without being about being pro-life.…
Big Brother NSA is Watching You, But Maybe Not For Long
– Justin Amash (R-Mich.) to a defense-spending bill, would have stopped the collection of intelligence data pursuant to Section 215 of … The surprisingly narrow vote, however, is a good sign that privacy advocates on the Hill -- reflecting broader concerns of the American … The American public no longer is content to give Uncle Sam a blank check to do whatever he pleases, so long as it is done to “protect…
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