Results for: Barack Obama Website

Had 'News' Media Done Its Job, Obama Would Not Have Become President…done-its-job-obama-would-not-have-become-president-n2442671
Barack Obama with a beaming Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic, anti-white leader of the Nation of Islam. … Obama. … Obama.…
Action Civics Advances Collective Groupthink, Not Civic Knowledge…advances-collective-groupthink-not-civic-knowledge-n2450278
– The NAS study found New Civics gained momentum in 2011, when the nation’s most famous community organizer, President Barack Obama, … Sure enough, the Chicago-based Obama Foundation is now a major player. … -year-old by campaigning in Indiana for presidential candidate Obama in 2008.…
Obama’s Portrait Painter Known For Flowery Paintings of Black Women Decapitating White Women…rtrait-painted-black-women-decapitating-white-women-n2448487
Obama and the former first lady, Michelle Obama, this city of myriad monuments gets a couple of new ones, each radiating, in its different … Obama — are African-American as well. … Obama, but it’s still there.)…
Obama Not Embarrassed by His Scandals?
– When Barack Obama spoke at the 12th annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in Boston, MA, many of us scratched our heads as … As I document in my forthcoming book, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, there were over two dozen scandals over the course … When the media refuses to give us the full knowledge of the character and conduct of our rulers, we get Barack Obama for eight long…
Former Obama Staffer: Facebook Allowed Us To Break User Data Rules Because They Were On Our Side…allowed-us-to-break-user-data-rules-because-they-w-n2462589
– Some have noted a similar mining tool used by the Obama team, but they gathered information through their website (with permission … especially since the campaign boasted that they probably knew every single one of the 67+ million voters who supported President Obama … Well, one former data officer for the Obama campaign, Carol Davidsen, admitted that Facebook allowed them to break the rules because…
Obama: I Have a Dream...of Creating 'a Million Young Barack Obamas'…ve-a-dreamof-creating-a-million-young-barack-obamas-n2464683
– Former President Obama envisions a world full of young leaders who are just like him. … Speaking at a conference in Japan Sunday, Obama spoke a great deal about the Obama Foundation’s efforts to help young people in the … Obamas,” Obama said. …
Where Oh Where Has the Presidential Fitness Council Gone?…oh-where-has-the-presidential-fitness-council-gone-n2464748
– Unfortunately, much of the council’s spirit of collegiality vanished on June 23, 2010, when President Barack Obama (D) signed an executive … Sadly, the Obama detour marched the fitness council smack into the DC swamp. … Fortunately, Trump is draining the swamp and reversing much of the damage Obama inflicted upon the fitness council.…
Chicago Police Chief Fired by Rahm Emanuel Now Challenging Him in Mayoral Race…ired-by-rahm-emanuel-now-challenging-him-in-mayoral-n2463710
– In the video, McCarthy makes his case for why he should replace the former high-level advisor to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack … (His website does contain some loosely-defined policy proposals, but they are clearly still in the development stage.) … Obama, his 2003-2009 tenure as a U.S.…
Can't Let It Go: As James Comey Prepares Book Tour, Hillary Decides To Blame Him Again For 2016 Loss
– Yet, the reason she lost is because if Russia, the media, Barack Obama, the DNC, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, the FBI, sexism, misogyny … She referenced Nate Silver, the editor-in-chief of the data website FiveThirtyEight, and used his analysis to support her argument.…
The Obama Administration's Guerrilla War
– On CNN, Jim Sciutto of the Obama administration sat as an objective news anchor. … The pushback from media fact checkers and Obama surrogates was fast and furious -- and also more dedicated to protecting Obama than … When the Obama loyalist as news anchor asks the Obama loyalist as news analyst what happened, we can be sure they will blame Trump…
The Great Recession: 'Reparations' Gone Bad
– Enter lawyers like then private citizen and attorney Barack Obama. … In 1995, Obama, representing 186 blacks, filed a class action mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank. … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem; Barack Obama's Was
– This is a deliberate misreading of history designed to absolve the Obama administration of its Iran policy debacle. … deal was simply an attempt to whistle past the graveyard with the terror regime -- to pay it off long enough so that President BarackObama could declare the problem handled.…
Latinos Explains Why They Voted for Trump - and Why They'll Vote for Him Again - at Florida Campaign Event…nce-campaigns-in-florida-at-latinos-for-trump-event-n2559682
– Bush, then twice for Barack Obama and then it went to Donald Trump in 2016. … Trump," the Latinos for Trump campaign website declares.…
Why Are We Still There? When Do We Leave?
– Both Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama have wanted to leave Afghanistan, but we are still there. … out more about Erick Erickson and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Will Democrats Choose Safety or Risk?
– Consult Bernie's website and you'll find plans, or should I say ambitions, to transform everything. … the medical system they decry, when they cite high deductibles and costly prescription drugs, is the one a Democratic president, BarackObama, passed to solve those very problems.…
A Malicious Indictment Mitch Should Toss Out
– The military aid Trump held up for 10 weeks -- lethal aid Barack Obama denied to Kyiv -- was sent. … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
Dems Smear Trump: 'Impeached for Life'
– Previous presidents, from George Washington to Barack Obama have said "no" to congressional requests, relying on the courts to referee … more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
A Tale of Two Terrorists
– Almost immediately, the raid was politicized to benefit President Barack Obama. After all, he was facing re-election. … Leftists insisted the order to authorize the raid was a nearly unparalleled act of courage on behalf of Obama, and additional drool … Still, Obama was treated as a hero after giving the only order he really could have. Fine, to the victor goes the spoils.…
Megxit, Trump and the Generational Divide
– Perhaps no figure typified the emergent supremacy of this global elite than Barack Obama, who swept to power on a coalition of unprecedented … minority voter turnout and a platform of global reparations -- an image so powerfully intoxicating to European liberals that Obama … In Britain, the unlikely pairing between a beautiful American actress, who happens to be, like Obama, the product of a biracial union…
Democrats Just Overplayed Their Hand
– The former vice president of the United States, who served for two terms under Barack Obama, utterly failed to gain traction. … They now face a President with higher approval ratings than Obama had when he began his campaign for a second term. … out more about Erick Erickson and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers
– As noted on the CNN website, “Trump is correct. … The unemployment rate for all three groups had fallen substantially under President Barack Obama from the recession-era levels of 2009…
Our Coming Debt Crisis
– For all the good that came from this era, the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations will all be remembered as the ones that caused … During the Obama years, with all the talk of stimulus, the spending just got worse. … President Barack Obama ran historically massive trillion-dollar-plus deficits his first few years, when he had a Democratic Congressional…
Trump's Critics on the Economy: So Wrong, So Often
– "Under Trump, I would expect a protracted recession to begin within 18 months," moaned former presidents Bill Clinton's and Barack … and former Obama automobile czar, who told investors, "If the unlikely event happens and Trump wins, you will see a market crash of … If the economy soars, Obama gets the credit.…
Clinton Can't Win the Presidency So One 2020 Dem Is Considering Her as a Running Mate…ncy-so-one-2020-dem-is-considering-her-as-a-running-n2561378
– She ran for president in 2008 and lost to then-Senator Barack Obama. She tried again in 2016 and lost to Donald Trump. … Matt Drudge, the founder of the news aggregate website, even tweeted the information.…
The Moral Relativism of My Tribe
Obama upended the American health care system by lying that if you like your doctor, you could keep your doctor. … But in 2016, Trump won using the very techniques online pioneered by the Obama team. … The fact that a Republican could outdo Team Obama on Facebook made Facebook bad, after being heralded as a force for good when Obama
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