Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Why Obama Dropped Biden
– He awarded Vice President Joe Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom. … His internal friendship has ended and didn't make it through the next presidential term. … The current Democratic Party believes in protecting criminals and even celebrating them.…
Democrat Dilemma -- Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden…t-dilemma--base-disconnected-from-frontrunner-biden-n2552069
– Kamala Harris decided to challenge Biden in the first round of Democratic presidential primary debates in June, and for a second it … Not only is Biden anything but stable; one wonders how Biden will restore the soul of a nation when, like other Democratic candidates … I'm aware of all the polling that shows Democratic candidates can beat President Trump, but color me an unbeliever.…
Expert Breaks Down for AOC Why We Have The Electoral College…eaks-down-for-aoc-why-we-have-the-electoral-college-n2552027
– The Electoral College has got to go," the Democratic Socialist remarked. … It does this by rewarding presidential candidates who do the best job of taking into account the needs of a wide variety of voters. … Ross said presidential candidates need to create better platforms that appeal to both rural and urban voters in order to overcome any…
Robert Mueller Crushed Their Dreams, So Democrats Pivot to Race…ler-crushed-their-dreams-so-democrats-pivot-to-race-n2552007
– What was the embittered left -- Democratic presidential candidates and their media allies -- supposed to do when their hopes of Russia-Trump … Recently, presidential candidates Sens.…
What Could Sink Trump's Chances in 2020?
– Instead, they are choices between good and better -- or bad and worse -- candidates. … So far, the Democratic debates have been a great gift to Trump. … Finally, candidates have to campaign. Some, like supposed 2016 shoo-in Hillary Clinton, do it more poorly than others.…
2020 Dems Blame Trump for Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Craze…blame-trump-for-planned-parenthoods-abortion-craze-n2552040
– Its messaging found support in Democratic presidential candidates, who largely repeated Planned Parenthood’s talking points. … Kirsten Gillibrand accused the Trump administration of “trying to hold health care providers hostage” while Democratic donor Tom Steyer … A couple of candidates considered other messaging.…
Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, Someone Has to Pay for It
– Election season is gearing up and as usual candidates are promising the world to American voters as they try to curry their favor. … Moreover, the polling also reveals comparable viewpoints on Universal Basic Income (UBI)—a program touted by Democratic presidential … But what does all of this mean for the 2020 race for the White House and the policies supported by Democratic candidates?…
This Is The Most Important Result Of Donald Trump's Election…the-most-important-result-of-donald-trumps-election-n2551859
– Consider their ability to influence voters by, in the case of Google, altering its search algorithms to help certain candidates, or … messages only to Democratic voters.  … The exterminators better be on the way, or 2016 may have been our last (at least partially) fair presidential election.…
The Iran Deal is Dead; Long Live The Iran Deal?
– overarching objective is to prevent this administration from dismantling the Iran deal completely, because they believe one of the 2020 Democraticpresidential candidates is going to win. … Whichever the direction the Trump administration chooses to go, it’s clear that most Democratic candidates for president would prefer…
Howard Schultz Gives Up on 2020 Hopes
– Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided to abandon his 2020 presidential aspirations. … I agree, but I’m also concerned that far-left policy ideas being advanced by several Democratic candidates will further alienate voters … The nomination of a far-left Democratic candidate could result in more votes for Trump—unless a moderate independent is also on the…
Climate Change A Convenient Excuse For Dems To Transform Economy…e-a-convenient-excuse-for-dems-to-transform-economy-n2552681
– declared Tuesday, unveiling her plan to fight climate change in advance of CNN's interminable townhall event on the topic with 10 Democraticpresidential candidates. … At the CNN event, many of the Democratic candidates insisted that life on Earth was at stake.…
Total Flop: CNN’s Ratings For Seven-Hour Global Warming Circus Were Abysmal…gs-for-sevenhour-global-warming-circus-were-abysmal-n2552690
– It was a full-blown clown show where the 2020 Democratic candidates expounded on how they will pretty much wreck the economy with trillions … presidential candidates as "unprecedented," the network was in last place in total viewership between Fox News and MSNBC. … He was referring to the Democratic plans to give health care to illegals and pushing an open borders agenda—none of which is popular…
Bernie Sanders Makes One of the Most 'Horrifying' Arguments During CNN Climate Town Hall
– CNN hosted 10 town hall events with Democratic presidential candidates on the climate “crisis” Wednesday evening—a program that took … An American presidential candidate speaks about how important it is for America to fund the abortion in poor third world countries.I…
Will Democrats Tax Your Retirement Savings?
– All of the remaining Democratic presidential candidates and their advisers seem united in their belief that the federal income tax…
White Liberals Have Moved to the Left of Black Voters
– But Bedingfield's argument has a longer shelf life both for the Democratic primary and the country. … This is the context that is vexing many of the Democratic contenders for the presidential nomination. … This is the great irony of the Democratic primaries.…
And With Joe Manchin’s Announcement, Senate Democrats’ Position For 2020 Vastly Improved
– At times, the state legislature was overwhelmingly Democratic. … own party for its leftward lurch and is expected to continue expressing concerns with the campaigns and viewpoints of liberal presidentialcandidates, including his Senate colleagues Bernie Sanders, independent of Vermont, and Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts…
American Workers Looking Forward to Five More Labor Days With Trump…looking-forward-to-five-more-labor-days-with-trump-n2552489
– AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has obviously taken notice, because lately he’s been begging the Democrat presidential candidates … Based on Trumka’s own criteria, there’s only one candidate in the 2020 presidential race who deserves the support of organized labor … The Democratic Party’s presidential candidates not only want to repeal the tax cuts that saved taxpayers an average of $1,400 last…
Kirsten Gillibrand’s Exit Proves Abortion Isn’t Enough to Win 2020…brands-exit-proves-abortion-isnt-enough-to-win-2020-n2552473
– Kirsten Gillibrand was applauded by many in the media as the Democratic presidential candidate focused on “women’s rights,” or, more … On August 28, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ended her presidential bid after failing to qualify for the next Democratic presidential … While the other Democratic candidates pinpointed abortion as a major 2020 issue, Gillibrand made it her campaign’s foundation. …
Labor Day Brings America’s Prosperous Economy Into Focus
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and supported by a rising tide of self-described socialists within the Democratic Party. … On September, 4, CNN is hosting a televised town hall on climate change in which 10 Democratic presidential candidates are scheduled … Tune to watch which candidates will trip over themselves to embrace the GND as the answer.…
The Founders Intended Presidential Electors To Be Free To Choose…intended-presidential-electors-to-be-free-to-choose-n2552403
– Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit decided that Presidential Electors are not bound by the variety of state laws that direct them … The specific participants in the case included Michael Baca, a 2016 Colorado Elector pledged to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary … The Supreme Court then ruled it was constitutional for states to require pledges by Elector candidates to vote for their party’s nominees…
Why Democratic Candidates Risk Martin O'Malley's Fate
– Yet as a candidate, like most of the Democratic candidates running this year, he got just about zero support. … While other Democratic candidates and officeholders heaped praise on the Black Lives Matter movement, O'Malley was shouted down and … lost five of six presidential elections up through 1988, even liberal Democratic primary voters were wary of an outspoken liberal's…
Biden's Best Bet is a Front Porch Campaign
– Biden's lead in matchups between Trump and various Democratic candidates is his single greatest advantage in the Democratic primaries … The risk for Biden is that he's not a good presidential campaigner, as his two prior attempts demonstrated. … Getting in the Democratic mosh pit undercuts that strategy and his chances for winning the nomination.…
Crackup in the Democratic Party
– The farthest-left candidates are winning. … And it has some Democratic leaders worried. … But the Democratic base doesn't get the joke. Democratic primary voters believe the talking points.…
Purging Dude Walls Toward Leftist Utopia
– No, I'm not talking about the Democratic presidential candidates, though any one of them demonstrates the same theme.…
America at Work
Democratic presidential primary candidates are focusing on income inequality and promising to wipe out college debt; they are wrapping…
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