Results for: Barack Obama Website

Obama And Biden Should Resign And Let the GOP Fix What They Broke…n-should-resign-and-let-the-gop-fix-what-they-broke-n1748977
– It’s a lot bigger than the website—sooner or later they’re gonna get the website fixed—but from a strictly political point of view, … If indeed this proves to be what we feared, “a catastrophic failure,” it calls for the prompt resignation of Barack Obama and, with … Period,” Obama said as he pitched the plan, the unqualified promise he made repeatedly.…
After the ObamaCare collapse, what's next?
– A totally dysfunctional website, anemic sign up numbers, privacy violations, millions of cancelations of existing plans, skyrocketing … be more relevant today as serious food for thought than it was when first published – which just happened to be the same month BarackObama was first inaugurated.…
Obamacare, Schadenfreude, and the Joy of Just Deserts*
– During the government shutdown, Barack Obama held fast, heroically refusing to give an inch to the hostage-taking, barbaric orcs … Obama knew the lifejackets wouldn’t work. … No one represented this arrogant promise more than Barack Obama himself.…
Even Advocates of Past Governments Shutdowns Advise Extreme Caution This Time…ernments-shutdowns-advise-extreme-caution-this-time-n1927618
– That's a shame, because what Barack Obama needs is a swift kick in his posterior from Congress. … There are other ways to dismantle at least some of the damage President Obama has done. … But Clinton was a more reasonable and pragmatic Democratic president than Obama is.…
Feminists Against Cosmo
–  is “bull,” a guy who’s nickname is now “Mark Uterus,” and a woman who couldn’t even state for the record whether she voted for BarackObama. … His campaign website even reads, “DeMaio pledged to ensure that the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act landmark legislation that provides…
Judging By The Choices For Time’s Person Of The Year, 2014 Was An Awful Year For Humans…erson-of-the-year-2014-was-an-awful-year-for-humans-n1924275
– They allow readers to vote on their website for who they think should win, but much like President Obama’s reaction to the midterm … There are the obvious options –Obama, Putin, the Pope, Netanyahu, Assad – the world leaders who make the list because they exist. … Barack Obama.…
Government Ineptitude, CIA-Style
– Things got so bad that President Barack Obama apologized and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resigned. … occurred even though the administration had more than three years to prepare for the launch and $840 million to spend developing the website
My Column Ends, But the Questions Don't
– All of my content -- columns, essays, posts, and, of course, books -- will continue to appear at my website,, and … I think amounts to the most momentous story of our age, a story that begins with, as best I can judge, the near-certainty that Barack … non-issue in most conservative and Republican circles for the past six years is the biggest single and essential enabler of the war that Obama
Government Ineptitude, CIA-Style
– Things got so bad that President Barack Obama apologized and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resigned. … occurred even though the administration had more than three years to prepare for the launch and $840 million to spend developing the website
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
– She supported President Obama 97% of the time, while Louisiana voters only give President Obama a 37% approval rating, so it is clear … The majority of Louisiana voters are motivated to vote against Mary Landrieu and Barack Obama for a variety of reasons, but the most … Instead of listening to our concerns, she voted with President Obama.…
Obama Giveth, Obama Gets Crushed
– Thanks GM/Obama. … Actually, you might be Obama. … Both were Democrats, and both would disavow Barack Obama. Repnextdoor wrote: John, Obamacare is being phased in.…
NY Cops Shame the Democrats
– Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and his inauguration in 2009, Democrats have increasingly shown no shame. … There was the bogus War on Women that Obama electioneered on because Republican’s objected to subsiding $5 birth control pills. … Obama and Eric Holder—all of whom have allied themselves with criminals over the police and law abiding citizens.…
A 2020 Vision
– The Republican presidents will blame much of what ails us on Barack Obama. … Republicans running in 2016 need to spend less time blaming Barack Obama and more time telling the public how the country will look … We know black Americans are worse off economically now than before President Obama took office.…
A Year of Anniversaries
– That description comes all too close to describing Barack Obama, with his devoted political palace guard in the White House that he … Both Wilson and Obama have been great phrase makers and crowd pleasers. … His website is…
Looking Back: The Good, The Bad And The Progressive
– Having seen what President Barack Obama and his progressive allies have done, and want to do, to this country, voters unambiguously … If the next President is a Republican, they will have to spend an inordinate amount of time undoing the damage Barack Obama did in … And even if it’s not, at the end of it smile a little knowing Barack Obama has only 1 more year on public office.…
A Student Asked 'Beto' O'Rourke if He Will Release His List of Donors. Here's What He Said...…will-release-his-list-of-donors-heres-what-he-said-n2543384
– individual donors you have, nor has it released the average donation,” the student said, and pointed out that a former bundler for BarackObama, Louis Susman, admitted to gathering donors for O'Rourke’s campaign. … “When we look at your website,” the student said. “We don’t really see anything in terms of a solid platform for policies.…
Beto The Buffoon
– Kennedy or Barack Obama. … In fact, on his website after his launch, there was a link to donate money and buy campaign gear, but no information about his platform…
Merit-Based Immigration Under Attack
– President Barack Obama issued a number of last-minute regulations and one he dropped at the desk of President Trump in Obama’s last … Obama proposed midnight regulation was an attempt to hurt this merit-based immigration program. … A number of conservative groups have come out against the Obama proposed changes to the program.  …
Is Income Inequality Fair?
– Former President Barack Obama explained, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." An adviser to Rep. … Take a look at the website Billionaire Mailing List's list of current billionaires.…
The Curious Case of Julian Assange
– classified documents, mostly having to do with military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan; and many of which WikiLeaks published on its website … punishing Assange for WikiLeaks’ role in the Manning case or is the goal to further punish Manning, whose prison term was commuted by BarackObama shortly before he left office?  …
Paying Union Dues: Kamala Harris And Bernie Sanders Want To Ban Right To Work Laws…s-and-bernie-sanders-want-to-ban-right-to-work-laws-n2545577
– For comparison sake, Barack Obama had led Mitt Romney by 18 percent just four years earlier. … The National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation (NRTW) website carries an explainer on why right to work laws may have become more…
The 2020 Democrats: Joe Biden
– Delaware Current position/Experience: 2020 presidential candidate, former vice president of the United States (2008-2016) Campaign Website … Former President Barack Obama appointed him to be his vice-presidential candidate. Obama and Biden won the election in 2008.…
Did You Notice Anything Odd About The Washington Post’s Headline About Louis Farrakhan’s Ban From Facebook?…s-headline-about-louis-farrakhans-ban-from-facebook-n2545823
– The ban affects Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, and other far-right figures and the conspiracy and far-right politics website Infowars … Farrakhan has palled around and taken photos with prominent Democratic politicians, like former President Barack Obama.…
How Trump Saved the Union
– And conversely, every time I report Barack Obama ruined the U.S. economy, they claim I'm lying. Well, the proof is out. … "Free" didn't work out so well for Obama. … Californians suffered under Obama. Obama produced misery. Trump has made California rich. But Californians hate Trump.…
Trump's 'Infrastructure' Plan Versus Obama's 'Stimulus': Part II
– As with President Barack Obama's "stimulus," the Trump-Schumer plan violates the concept of federalism and bails out states that spend … column's readers insisted that Trump -- a builder and shrewd negotiator -- plans to spend more efficiently and effectively than Obama … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
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